Tatting with netting needle, or how I use unusual tools.
Hello everyone! Thanks everyone for supporting my blog! Also, I thank you for the many answers to my question about the tatting tools you use. Today I want to tell you in detail about the wonderful netting needle tool.
So, first, a little story.
When I started tatting, I gradually mastered new tools and new techniques. Oh, this is very interesting! Besides, new knowledge does not allow our brain to “stop”, ha ha!
Once I saw amazing photos of Celtic patterns and decided I needed to do it. But how to do it? You will understand that the shuttle cannot be threaded through very small closed pieces. Therefore, another tool I needed. I used a weaving needle as a shuttle. I also tried long plastic celtic weave shuttles. It all works, of course. You will probably agree with me that the Internet is a super invention. How else would I see the mesh weaving kit? Unfortunately, then in our country there was not such a variety of accessories for needlework. And we have not even heard of online shopping!
So, I saw what I needed. I even found out the name of this instrument and told my sister about it. You cannot even imagine my delight and my gratitude to my little sister when I received a package from her with gifts. Oh, it was a real treasure! I unpacked and took out threads, stabilizers, scissors, tatting needles, templates for kumihimo and so on (the list is very long). And at the bottom of the box, I saw two netting needle kits!

I liked the set on the left better. because the ends of the tool are neater here and it is easy to wind the thread around them.

The needle has a small hole for tying the beginning of the thread.

But it turned out I can use this needle for tatting with beads too. This is very convenient because a huge amount of booster threads can be placed on this needle.

You can watch a small video of how I tat using this tool. https://youtu.be/3Fn-Urybu_A
Please note that when working with this tool, I use the second method for the shuttle. You can also see several tat methods on my channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISTEQI1ud1k&list=UU3dn4_9pp7tIKA2k564wLBQ&index=6
Finally, I used igloo mesh to create my Summer Mood collection. By the way, all patterns are available in my store, welcome: https://fairylace.kozinenko.com/?s=summer+mood+pattern&post_type=product

In addition, you can get the perfect connection with long picots using a netting needle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWPPlAbps5I&list=UU3dn4_9pp7tIKA2k564wLBQ&index=21
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