Results of the competition for the best doily name, or how the wrath of injustice is for us to live.

Hello everyone! The competition for the best name for my new doily is over.
I am eternally grateful to all participants for their extraordinary creativity and activity!
Alas, my holiday mood was very spoiled today. One of the members of the FB group accused me of quackery. She wrote in several groups that I was a liar and was not giving away any prizes. How can you be so unfair? After all, this lady didn’t even try to take part in the competition. I was upset and very offended.
I hope you can share some positivity with me and I will feel better. Please forgive me for being too emotional. Alas, I could not come to terms with such injustice.
Of course, I couldn’t choose one option from the many most unexpected, most imaginative and most beautiful names! You are extraordinary! Thank you very much for your creativity, imagination and support of my blog! I really liked absolutely ALL the options! So I resorted to drawing lots. And I made a short video report. You can watch on my YouTube channel how I chose the winner:
So, Results of the competition!
The winner of Connie’s competition with the name for doily Galaxy Flower. Congratulations!
I send her the pattern by email.
To celebrate all participants of the competition, I am providing a 30% discount coupon for the purchase of this pattern to ALL participants. Please check your emails.
Now the doily pattern with a wonderful name is available in my store, please check it out!
Thank you again for your active participation and support!
Follow my blog because I am planning some more contests with exciting prizes!