No shaggy tails, or carefully hide the ends of the threads at the end of the work.
Hello everyone! I recently learned that not all beginning taters hide the tails of the threads at the end of the work. They just weren’t taught! Ah, that’s a terrible omission. Yes, usually the instructions say: tie and cut. Where is the word “hide”? Gone, LOL! Therefore, today I invite you to go back to the beginning and talk in detail about this topic.

So, why do you need to hide the ends of the threads? Firstly, shaggy thread tails will look sloppy. And they will become shaggy very quickly, believe me! Secondly, by hiding the tails, we additionally secure the final knot. It is very important. After all, if the knot comes undone, we will get a disaster!

Try to hide your tails in different directions. For example, on different sides of the ring or in two different chains. This will help you avoid unnecessary thickening of the elements. It is also easier to pull one thread through the middle of double stitches rather than two.
I made a description of seven ways to hide the ends of threads. Some differ from each other only in the tool I use. But other options are possible, of course. Therefore, try, create and choose the method that is convenient for you. In addition to the instructions, I made an illustrative video. Hope this is helpful.
Method 1

You hide the ends of the threads with a sewing needle, sewing a seam over each double stitch. This method is the simplest, but not very reliable. It can be used if you do not need to wash the product. And, in addition, strong fixation will be required so that the tails do not “crawl out of the seam”. For example, for earrings or bracelets made of thin threads.
Method 2
Here we also use a sewing needle. But we don’t sew stitches, but hide the thread with a needle in the middle of the double stitches. It is enough to insert the needle into 3-4 double stitches. This method is fast. But if your knots are too tight, you will have to use small pliers to pull the needle out of the double stitches.
Method 3
Absolutely identical to the previous one. But we pull the thread with the needle into each double stitch separately (or even half a stitch). If the weaving is very dense, then this method is ideal, although not as fast as the previous one. By the way, don’t forget to protect your fingers with a thimble when handling the needle.
Method 4
For this method, I suggest using a thin wire bent in half. I call this wire the “magic tool”. Using wire, you hide one tail of the thread into the chain. And you “sew up” the second tail using a needle using method 2 or 3. And you can read about additional tools for tatting in my article here:
Method 5
You can do the same thing by using an additional piece of thread instead of wire. In the video you will see how you can quickly and easily hide additional thread inside double stitches using a shuttle.
Method 6
This method is convenient to use if the pattern ends in a ring. In this case, at the beginning of the pattern (if it starts with a chain), you can use a small piece of additional thread or a paper clip. This will make it easier to connect the last chain before starting work. In the first 4-5 double stitches of the ring, hide the first tail (if the tail is long enough, you can tie it to the shuttle, it will be more convenient). Weave wire into the last 4-5 double stitches (as in Method 4). Form a ring and secure the second tail with a knot. And pull this tail through with wire.
Method 7
You hide both tails in one chain (or ring) at the same time. I only recommend using this method if you have weak double stitches. Because it is very difficult to pull two tails through double stitches at once (after all, the tails will be folded in half). And besides, such a chain will look noticeably thicker than the other elements.
I hope my long article did not bore or frighten you. Comments, questions, advice are welcome! Careful tatting and no shaggy tails!