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No shaggy tails

No shaggy tails, or carefully hide the ends of the threads at the end of the work.

Hello everyone! I recently learned that not all beginning taters hide the tails of the threads at the end of the work. They just weren’t taught! Ah, that’s a terrible omission. Yes, usually the instructions say: tie and cut. Where is the word “hide”? Gone, LOL! Therefore, today I invite you to go back to the beginning and talk in detail about this topic.

No shaggy tails
No shaggy tails

So, why do you need to hide the ends of the threads? Firstly, shaggy thread tails will look sloppy. And they will become shaggy very quickly, believe me! Secondly, by hiding the tails, we additionally secure the final knot. It is very important. After all, if the knot comes undone, we will get a disaster!

Try to hide your tails in different directions. For example, on different sides of the ring or in two different chains. This will help you avoid unnecessary thickening of the elements. It is also easier to pull one thread through the middle of double stitches rather than two.

I made a description of seven ways to hide the ends of threads. Some differ from each other only in the tool I use. But other options are possible, of course. Therefore, try, create and choose the method that is convenient for you. In addition to the instructions, I made an illustrative video. Hope this is helpful.

Method 1

You hide the ends of the threads with a sewing needle, sewing a seam over each double stitch. This method is the simplest, but not very reliable. It can be used if you do not need to wash the product. And, in addition, strong fixation will be required so that the tails do not “crawl out of the seam”. For example, for earrings or bracelets made of thin threads.

Method 2

Here we also use a sewing needle. But we don’t sew stitches, but hide the thread with a needle in the middle of the double stitches. It is enough to insert the needle into 3-4 double stitches. This method is fast. But if your knots are too tight, you will have to use small pliers to pull the needle out of the double stitches.

Method 3

Absolutely identical to the previous one. But we pull the thread with the needle into each double stitch separately (or even half a stitch). If the weaving is very dense, then this method is ideal, although not as fast as the previous one. By the way, don’t forget to protect your fingers with a thimble when handling the needle.

Method 4

For this method, I suggest using a thin wire bent in half. I call this wire the “magic tool”. Using wire, you hide one tail of the thread into the chain. And you “sew up” the second tail using a needle using method 2 or 3. And you can read about additional tools for tatting in my article here:

Method 5

You can do the same thing by using an additional piece of thread instead of wire. In the video you will see how you can quickly and easily hide additional thread inside double stitches using a shuttle.

Method 6

This method is convenient to use if the pattern ends in a ring. In this case, at the beginning of the pattern (if it starts with a chain), you can use a small piece of additional thread or a paper clip. This will make it easier to connect the last chain before starting work. In the first 4-5 double stitches of the ring, hide the first tail (if the tail is long enough, you can tie it to the shuttle, it will be more convenient). Weave wire into the last 4-5 double stitches (as in Method 4). Form a ring and secure the second tail with a knot. And pull this tail through with wire.

Method 7

You hide both tails in one chain (or ring) at the same time. I only recommend using this method if you have weak double stitches. Because it is very difficult to pull two tails through double stitches at once (after all, the tails will be folded in half). And besides, such a chain will look noticeably thicker than the other elements.

I hope my long article did not bore or frighten you. Comments, questions, advice are welcome! Careful tatting and no shaggy tails!

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What is cro-tatting

What is cro-tatting, or do tatting masters deserve poems?

Hello everyone! I want to say Wow! No not like this. Wow Wow wow! This is my cry of joy and pride. And we especially need these positive emotions in this terrible time.

I want to thank the editor of Simply Crochet magazine Alison Maney ( link to the magazine website: ) and blogger Rebecca Parker ( )for their support and help in popularizing cro-tatting. Of course, it was very difficult for me to talk about such a rare, but very interesting type of tatting in a short interview. Because I am equally passionate about three types of tatting and am ready to talk about them for a Thousand and One Days (almost like Scheherazade!). Besides, I always forget that brevity is the sister of talent, LOL!

By the way, the article is called Crochet’s Quirky Cousins. You can read about Tunisian, Bosnian crochet and cro-tatting in this article. And also look at photos of the works of talented masters of their craft. You’ll understand why I’m proud. After all, it is a very honor to be in the company of such talents! Also I hope my subscribers recognize photos of my work!

Magazine pages with my cro-tatting works

What is cro-tatting
What is cro-tatting

I am also glad for this publication because cro-tatting is undeservedly deprived of attention from tatting and crochet masters. So, how can I briefly say what cro-tatting is? This is a symbiosis of crocheting and needle tatting. And it would be fair to put this type of lace making on a par with the rest of its sisters! Do you agree?

And not just publications in magazines. But also poems should be written about tatting! Agree, the lines from Guido Gezelle’s ode to a lacemaker sound very beautiful. “I love to watch you making lace…” I was very interested to learn about the work of this unusual author, a monk who wrote poetry in the Flemish language. And then I thought, maybe there is a poet who will glorify the masters of the shuttle, needle and hook? Alas, I do not have such talent. But for now I can shoot a video where you will see the beauty and grace of this wonderful type of needlework!

I always welcome your comments. Follow me on social networks. And don’t forget to check my store, welcome!

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Magic simple knot

Magic simple knot, or how to make life easier for yourself.

Hello everyone! First, I want to address my subscribers – participants in the competition for the best name for a doily (posts dated September 11 and 15). The validity period of the discount coupon for the Galaxy Flower doily tatting pattern has been extended until October 30. I sent the coupon code to ALL members. Please check all your email folders.

Now let’s get back to the topic of today’s post. Have you noticed how simple actions sometimes help us make our lives easier? I won’t get too philosophical, LOL! I just suggest that you check whether the SIMPLE knot is truly magical. Yes, yes, I’m talking about the very knot with which we tie our shoelaces. You will be surprised, but it really works!

Magic simple knot
Magic simple knot

Shuttle and ball threads

I have already written in previous posts how tatting elements have different names in different languages. One such example is the name of shuttle and ball threads. You might be very surprised. But in my language there are NO such names. The shuttle thread is called the leading thread. Because she seems to direct all the nodes of the work, leading the pattern along with her. And the ball thread is called working thread. Apparently because she forms knots, that is, she works hard!

I do not at all pretend to be a “HISTORIAN OF TATTING”, but I have a theory. At the beginning of the emergence of tatting, the patterns were simple and were made with one shuttle, or a shuttle and a ball. And by the time tatting spread to Eastern Europe, the patterns became more complex. There was a need for two or even three shuttles. In order not to confuse tatters, Europe and America left the same terminology. But the Slavic countries introduced new names, which in my opinion are logical if we use two shuttles.

Just in case, I want to remind new taters, shuttle thread is always on the right (if you are right-handed, of course!).

And now we come to the most interesting part!

You can make many patterns with one shuttle and ball. The trick is this. For example, you need to make a pattern like in the picture. As you can see, this is a pattern for two shuttles. Because the Rings here are made with the second shuttle (this is the shuttle with ball thread).

Try taking one shuttle and a ball! You can swap the threads of the ball and the shuttle using “magic” simple knot! I made a short video to demonstrate this simple but absolutely magical technique!

Multicolor patterns

This works if you are making a single color pattern. What if I want to use two colors? I’m sure you remember a simple rule: the color of ball thread determines the color of the Ring or Chain (Wow, I definitely need to write philosophical treatises!). In this case, I take two shuttles with two different colors of thread and make simple knots however I want, LOL! Yes, I received 12 heart options where the color was NOT REPEATED. But I have 12 more options in my head! I liked the result so much that I decided to use this technique to create bookmarks. Of course, you can take threads of any other colors and create as many of your own color options as you like! Experiment, creativity is welcome. The pattern is available in my store.

Thank you for reading to the end. I hope I didn’t bore you too much!

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Results of the competition

Results of the competition for the best doily name, or how the wrath of injustice is for us to live.

Results of the competition
Easier said than done

Hello everyone! The competition for the best name for my new doily is over.
I am eternally grateful to all participants for their extraordinary creativity and activity!
Alas, my holiday mood was very spoiled today. One of the members of the FB group accused me of quackery. She wrote in several groups that I was a liar and was not giving away any prizes. How can you be so unfair? After all, this lady didn’t even try to take part in the competition. I was upset and very offended.
I hope you can share some positivity with me and I will feel better. Please forgive me for being too emotional. Alas, I could not come to terms with such injustice.

Of course, I couldn’t choose one option from the many most unexpected, most imaginative and most beautiful names! You are extraordinary! Thank you very much for your creativity, imagination and support of my blog! I really liked absolutely ALL the options! So I resorted to drawing lots. And I made a short video report. You can watch on my YouTube channel how I chose the winner:

So, Results of the competition!

The winner of Connie’s competition with the name for doily Galaxy Flower. Congratulations!
I send her the pattern by email.
To celebrate all participants of the competition, I am providing a 30% discount coupon for the purchase of this pattern to ALL participants. Please check your emails.

Now the doily pattern with a wonderful name is available in my store, please check it out!
Thank you again for your active participation and support!

Follow my blog because I am planning some more contests with exciting prizes!

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Easier done than said

Easier done than said, or a new competition for tatters.

Hello everyone! Of course, you know the expression “Easier said than done”. So I’ll tell you honestly, this is not about me! It’s easier for me to do than to come up with words to describe my work. I mean, it’s easier for me to do than say! LOL

Besides, I don’t speak English well enough. I have already asked my friends on social networks and subscribers for help several times. I need a nice name for my new doily. Help! And I just remembered the competition that I held for my followers. What wonderful names you came up with for my doily Honeycomb . I was impressed by your imagination. I promise I couldn’t have come up with a better name! I wrote about this competition and the winners on my blog.

I am sure you will be happy to take part in the new competition for the best name for this doily! After all, the winner will receive a doily pattern as a gift. And the first 20 participants will receive a discount on the purchase of this pattern in my store.

Easier done than said
Easier said than done

And I will definitely add a video lesson on my YouTube channel, as well as a video report on choosing the winner. So don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay updated!

So, the conditions of the competition:

  1. Subscribe to my blog if you haven’t already.
  2. Come up with a name for my new doily and write it in the comments to this post. ATTENTION! Only titles written on the blog, not on social networks, will participate in the competition!
  3. The winner will be announced on September 15th.

I wish you all good luck and look forward to your wonderful doily names!

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Once I caught a fish alive

Once I caught a fish alive, or how to quickly and easily wind the threads in several layers.

All plans go to hell when the air raid signal goes off…
It scares me terribly. Because the consequences of the bombing are always unpredictable and terrible. And every time I seem to crumble into small pieces. This is a very unpleasant feeling, believe me. Each time it becomes more and more difficult “to collect yourself as a whole”. But your kind words, your prayers and thoughts about me and my country help me.
Today, the third time, an air alert has been declared throughout Ukraine. Everyone get to cover now! I managed to shoot material for the video in my studio. And I can mount the video and write an article anywhere (even sitting in the basement, which I don’t have, unfortunately…).
Sorry for such a sad start. I thought for a long time if I could write about the war in my needlework blog. Tatting, sewing, embroidery, knitting, macrame, all my creativity is my life. But this terrible reality is now also my life, alas.

I caught a fish alive

So, I wanted to remind you of a nursery rhyme. Probably, in every language, children count one-two-three-four-five, read a poem or sing a song.

Once I caught a fish alive

One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?
Because he bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on my right.

Surely you will be surprised and ask me: why a nursery rhyme? We’ve come to wind the threads! The fact is that winding threads in 2, 3, 4, 5 and even 6 layers is as easy as singing a song.

So, all you need is a ball of thread that you need to rewind, and an empty spool from the sewing machine. I was lucky, on my Bernina the bobbin reel is enlarged. Therefore, more thread is wound on this bobbin. I’ll be honest with you, I don’t like working with multiple layers of thread. But sometimes I just don’t have threads of the right color with the right thickness. For example, for jewelry set Danuta, I wound metal embroidery threads in three layers. The pattern for this set is available in my store:

So, step one:

Wind the threads from the ball onto the spool. I do this on a sewing machine.

Two layers

It’s elementary, Watson! Two threads in one.

Three layers

I caught a fish alive

You only need a ball. Make a loop, forming three strands. Tie the end of the thread and loop to the shuttle. Gradually winding three threads on the hook, thread the ball of thread into the loop. Ah, I’m not sure I can explain clearly. Therefore, it is better to watch the video, please (link at the end of the article).

Four layers

In this case, you need to go back to winding in three layers and simply add thread from the spool. Thus, in one step you get 4 layers at once, hooray!

Five layers

 caught a fish alive

You only need a ball threads. We do the same as winding in three layers. But now we need two loops of different lengths. Oh, I won’t even try to write how to do it. And again, I suggest watching the video.

Accordingly, for six layers, you need a winding option for five layers plus one thread from the spool. And this “song” can go on forever!

I am very grateful to you for your patience! Now finally a link to the video. Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. And also I will be very grateful for following my blog and comments.


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Cro-tatting Lesson 7

Cro-tatting Lesson 7 , or translation difficulties.

Hello everyone! This article is a continuation of Lesson 6. Therefore, follow the link if you have not read or watched the video of the previous lesson:

Lesson 7

At first I wanted to start this article with the story of the Tower of Babel. Well, you remember how God gave people different languages so that they would not understand each other. But then I thought that this is not entirely true. The question is philosophical. Because very often, speaking the same language, people cannot understand each other. Probably, this happens because many people have forgotten how to listen, empathize and understand others. And the notation in English for crocheting terms me to such reflections. How can I figure this out, I have no idea! LOL

But I’m pretty creative, you know. Therefore, I decided to write an abbreviation for UK and for US. Hope you don’t get confused!

So, today I invite you to make a small round motif with two rows. We will make the second row with single crochets. Yep, that’s where we got it! Don’t worry, we’ll fix it. UK terms – dc ( double crochet ), US terms – sc ( single crochet ).

Row 1

The first row consists of Rings and Chains. The chains in cro-tatting are crocheted and form an “arc” of air loops (in the abbreviation сh).

Row 2

In the second row, I used rings and single crochets ( or double crochet ) . Please note that before performing the Ring, you need to turn the work. And since you are getting the wrong side, it is better to start a double stitch from the second half. You will clearly see in the photo how the front side (pink ring) differs from the wrong side (yellow ring).

For clarity, of course, I made a detailed video. Don’t forget to subscribe, comment and share my video on social media please.


You can download the pattern Cro-tatting Lesson 7 by clicking on the link. Or just take a screenshot.

If my articles are interesting and useful to you, subscribe to my blog, comment, share on social networks. Your feedbacks is very interesting and important to me. Don’t forget to check my store, welcome:

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Why you need Tatting Split Ring

Why do you need Tatting Split Ring, or how laziness becomes the engine of progress.

Hello everyone! Sometimes I hear bewildered questions from beginner tatters: why should I learn Split Ring? It’s complicated, troublesome and not useful to me. I can list several reasons why you need this. So, first, the Split Ring is cool! Secondly, you can make the Ring two-tone. Thirdly, a lot of modern tatting patterns often use this method (for example, my Celtic bracelets).

Split Ring

Little trick with Split Ring

But the most important thing for me is the ability not to cut the threads between the rows using the Split Ring. I have already said many times how much I sooooo hate to hide the threads after the end of the work. So, I guess I’m a classic lazybones! Because I’m trying to come up with a new way to “make my life easier.” This is how new useful devices are born. I am deeply convinced that the remote control was invented by a classic lazy person. Just him did not want to get up from a warm chair to change TV channels! Haha, I’d be a millionaire if I came up with something like that!

I don’t even know which tatting master first came up with the idea of using the Split Ring to move to the next row. Alas, not all patterns can use this trick. But that would be perfect, mind you. Because I don’t need to cut and hide the threads in the middle of the work several times. As a result, I hide only two (or sometimes even one) threads at the end of the work ALWAYS! But so far this is unrealistic.

In the end, I liked this trick so much that I decided to create a doily pattern, where all 5 rows are weaved without breaking the thread. This is doily Azure Sky.

Why you need Tatting Split Ring

So, in conclusion of the post, I want to offer you a video. You will see how to use the split ring to move to the next row of a round napkin without cutting the thread. Please support my blog and my YouTube channel with likes, subscriptions and comments! Thanks!

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DIY fabric

DIY fabric, or creating a unique pattern from pieces of fabric.

DIY fabric

Hello everyone! I am very pleased to read your comments and feedback on my new work. Thank you so much to everyone who supports me during this difficult time!
You know that my first and main hobby is tatting. But there are still many types of needlework that I can do well (as it seems to me!).

One of my favorites is patchwork. I’m sure you’ve heard of the pizza technique. Oh, it’s not about the food! Although I heard Italian housewives say: “I put everything I have left after dinner on pizza for breakfast in the morning!” Very economical and creative, in my opinion. So why not use practical advice in needlework ?! So, we use everything that remains from previous projects. And I used not only pieces of fabric, but also pieces of lace.

So, step by step we go to the ideal result. And I hope our pizza turns out “delicious” enough!

Step one

First determine the size of the placemat you need. I made 24×36 cm. Cut out a rectangle from the main fabric (I have it red-orange), adding 4 cm to the size of the placemat on each side. We also need rectangles of synthetic winterizer and adhesive double-sided interlining 24X36 cm. But you can make a non-woven rectangle 4 cm smaller. Also prepare a piece of 20X 32 cm from nylon, or mesh, or organza. It can be any fairly transparent fabric.

Ah, I almost forgot the most important thing! Prepare ANY pieces of fabric.

Step two

This step is the most exciting, I think. Here you can show all your imagination. Place fabric pieces on the non-woven rectangle as you like. No restrictions, no canons! You create a new fabric yourself. Remember you, I’m a fan of tatting? In the center I added a sample of one of my little lace projects. 🙂

Step three

Now gently “glue” the pieces of fabric to the interlining and synthetic winterizer with an iron.

Step four

Cover the resulting sample with a transparent cloth rectangle and secure with pins.

Step five

Put together all the layers of the prepared rectangles and quilt with a pattern that you like. It can be squares, circles, leaves, flowers. I chose a pattern that some craftsmen call “brains”. With the BSR foot, stitching becomes an absolute pleasure!

Step six

Forming the corners and borders. I plan to make a video on how to do it quickly, neatly and easily. So don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for updates.

Step seven

Iron the finished placemats. And delight your family with a new dinner decor from the new DIY fabric! This way, your meals will be much tastier!

A set of such placemats can be bought in my store, welcome:

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How to use fabric scraps

How to use fabric scraps, or what I can do.

How to use fabric scraps

Hello everyone! If you follow me on social networks, you have seen my new work tatting. These are the seven bookmarks of the Chakras. Ah, making two orders in two weeks was not easy! Eyes and hands are a little tired. So I decided to take a break from lace and clean up my craftroom.


I’m sure many of my subscribers own several types of needlework. Therefore, you know that it is impossible to put things in order in the workshop without destroying the “stocks”. But throwing away even a small piece of fabric is IMPOSSIBLE! Do you agree? So, I started with a big box of scraps. I had an idea and it took two days to implement it.


First, I ironed all the pieces of fabric. Moreover, I did not select fabrics by texture or color, so as not to waste time.

How to use fabric scraps

Then I cut a lot of squares and rectangles. To speed up and facilitate the process, I used a patchwork ruler as a template. And I got the same width of all the pieces – 2.5 inches. By the way, the roller knife helped me to cope with this work wonderfully!

How to use fabric scraps

Then I sewed small pieces into long strips. Of course, all the seams must be ironed out. I thought that the connection of small pieces would be too colorful, so I prepared long strips of “zebra” fabric.

How to use fabric scraps

Now the fun begins! I sewed all the strips diagonally onto a base of light dense fabric and synthetic winterizer. I also stitched each strip, pinning the layers together. To adjust the fabric while sewing, I use an interstitial fixture. If you liked my special “thimble”, write in the comments!

How to use fabric scraps

And at the end of the work, I sewed strips of black dense fabric along the edges of the “variegated disgrace”. The result of my cleaning in the workshop: minus two bags of fabric scraps, minus two sheets of PVC, minus one old tablecloth, minus a bag of sintepon scraps and plus two empty boxes. You see the result in the photo!

So, I showed how to use fabric scraps. In addition to tatting and sewing, I own many other types of needlework. What kind of needlework do you do? Write about it in the comments, I’m very interested. Support my blog, subscribe and share on social networks, thanks!

Also visit my YouTube channel. Subscribe, comments and likes are welcome!