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Our family fireplace parties.

Our family fireplace parties, or my granddaughter’s amazing tatting ideas.

Hello, everyone! Oh, what a pity that the Holidays end so quickly! Our children and grandchildren are returning to their homes. But we look forward to their new visits and fondly remember our family “Fireplace Parties”. Look how fun the fire is blazing in the fireplace! You can look at the flames for an infinitely long time. Do you agree?

My granddaughter loves these evenings the most. And sometimes I wonder what ideas come to her mind! Once, looking at the Christmas tree outside the window (yes, spruces grow near our house!), My Maria said: “Grandma, can you make a wreath for the Christmas tree? But I want it to look like my braided pigtails!” “Ah, nothing is impossible!” Grandma replied.

The next time the fire in the fireplace inspired my Angel. She wanted to get a bracelet that looked like a flame. I tried hard! Do you think it looks like fire?

Fireplace party

And of course, I wanted you to be able by the fireplace, feeling cozy and weaving a beautiful fiery-colored bracelet for your loved ones, to give a piece of your heart warmth along with a “fiery” bracelet! Even if you don’t have a fireplace, you can always turn on internet videos! A detailed tutorial check in my store, please:

By the way, Maria shared with me another idea. But for now, it’s a secret! I need time to fulfill her fantasies with my tatting, as always.

What family traditions do you have? Share in the comments, please. After all, it is incredibly interesting and fun!

Cozy and creative evenings to you!
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Our family fireplace parties

6 thoughts on “Our family fireplace parties.

  1. Your fireplace has certainly fired your granddaughter’s imagination! And her grandmama is so talented to manifest the idea in thread!

    1. Thank you so much, Muskaan, for the wonderful compliments! I’m sure you know how difficult it is sometimes to bring fantastic ideas to life. I’m glad I understand my granddaughter’s fantasies!

  2. A wonderful grandmother able and willing to turn ideas into reality!

    1. Thank you very much, Jane, for the wonderful words! I try to be a good grandmother!

  3. What a beautiful story♥️

    1. Thank You so much, dear Polina, for support my blog and the kind words!

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