I called my post today, “Tricks tatting (cluny).” Why? Read to the end, please, and you will understand me. 🙂
In a previous post, I talked about additional tools that help me in tatting. https://fairylace.kozinenko.com/2019/10/22/additional-tools-for-tatting/
Thanks for the questions and comments. So, at the request of my reader, I return to this topic (very little!)
You asked me to show how I use a piece of thin wire. This is an indispensable helper for weaving cluny (leaves). You can find many articles and photos about the process of working on cluny on the Internet. But best of all, watch the video of the talented master tatting master Karen Cabrera. You will recognize her by long nails and a dazzling smile 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsm37KxFxjE

Pay attention to a piece of thin wire. This is exactly the tatting trick that I spoke about before.
For needle tatters, a link to a video about cluny. The author of this lesson is Geogria Seitz. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_VVZBEq59g
And now it’s time to explain why I called this post: Tricks tatting (cluny).
Do you know that this technique is used in bobbin lace? I do not presume to say where this method originated earlier. An important fact is that all types of needlework are interconnected and complementary. Is not it?

I was struck by the extraordinary beauty of Elisa du Sud’s creations , in which cluny were used many, many, many times!

Of course, I was so inspired that I could not resist! These are my little tatting pieces ( based on Elisa du Sud’s patterns).

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