My name is Elena (Helen).
I live in Ukraine. (So be gentle with my English, please)! I am a happy wife, a mom with two lovely sons (ages 39 and 38), and a grandmother with a little granddaughter and grandson!
I like to travel with my husband.
In my spare time I love to tat. I like the romantic, so most of my crafts are in that style.
I enjoy creating new tatted designs and combining the different colors now available.
We are in dark times now. But we continue to be strong and firm. My handicraft helps me not to fall into despair, because it is a unique form of psychological recovery. This is also an opportunity for me to make a donation for the Ukrainian Army.
Welcome to my fairy world!
You can follow me on social networks:
FB – https://www.facebook.com/kozinenkoelena
Twitter – https://twitter.com/ElenaKozinenko1
Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/elenakozinenko/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/elenakozinenko/
Subscribe to my YouTube channel – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZP7IEWKJjQ&list=UU3dn4_9pp7tIKA2k564wLBQ
You can contact me by email – fish20085@gmail.com