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Cro-tatting Lesson 5

Cro-tatting Lesson 5, or how to dispose of leftover threads of different colors.

Hello everyone! This article is a continuation of Lesson 4 . Therefore, follow the link if you have not read or watched the video of the previous lesson:

I really enjoy reading your comments and questions on my posts. Because in this way you help me to make my blog useful and interesting. The idea of today’s lesson came to me after the publication of one of my old works – a coaster from the remnants of threads. You asked to make a video tutorial on how to make such a coaster. Of course I did this tutorial ! The link to the video is at the end of the post.

I’m sure many of you have stocks of thread. Well, how can I stop if I see threads of a beautiful color on sale?! And sometimes, for a specific project, I specifically buy threads of a very specific size and color. And in this case, I always buy a little more thread than required. You probably know how disappointing it is if a few meters of thread are not enough to complete the product. Therefore, I have there are ALWAYS leftovers threads! Of course, you can rewind the rest of the thread on smaller spools …

Cro-tatting lesson 5
cro-tatting Lesson 5

But it still takes up a lot of space.

So, I decided to get rid of the remnants of the thread. To do this, I needed to combine threads of two colors in small coasters.

Simple coaster from thread of two colors

Note! We add a new thread before the ring or after the ring. In this case, it is very easy to hide both tails on both sides of the ring. And the chain is neat. I did the work with thread of one color until the thread ran out. As you can see, the thread can end anywhere, haha! By the way, I was lucky twice – two coasters turned out to be the same color!

Cro-tatting, free cro-tatting pattern

How many words! Where is Cro-tatting Lesson 5, you ask? You can download the pattern by clicking on the link: Or just take a screenshot.

Free pattern cro-tatting

Watch an additional video for the lesson here:

By the way, pay attention to the connection of rings of different colors. How to make the perfect connection, I will tell in the next lesson. So do not forget to subscribe to my blog and YouTube channel, so as “not to be late” for the lesson!

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