Perfect tatting – part 3
Hello everyone! This is the third lesson in the series Perfect Tatting. You can read the second part here:
My articles will be accompanied by video tutorials. I will add them to my YouTube channel.
Please write in the comments what subtleties you would like to know. Then it will be easier for me to make a lessons plan.

Today is a very short article and a short video. Just watch how to make a strong knot that is almost impossible to untie. Of course, if you want to, you can untie everything! LOL! But will the result be worth our efforts? This knot is useful when building up threads or at the end of work. Agree, this is very important. Imagine, knots untied after starching the work. Holes, holes, holes. This can break the heart of any needle crafters!
Surely many of you successfully use this knot in your work. And some of you, perhaps, should practice with me! Oh, I almost forgot to emphasize. No strong knot can cancel out hiding the tails of the threads! But more about that in the next lessons. The video is already uploaded on my channel, welcome:
Perfect Tatting – Part 3 is finished! Have a great weekend and happy perfect tatting!
I hope my previous blog posts will also be useful and interesting: