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Perfect tatting – part 3

Perfect tatting – part 3

Hello everyone! This is the third lesson in the series Perfect Tatting. You can read the second part here:

My articles will be accompanied by video tutorials. I will add them to my YouTube channel.

Please write in the comments what subtleties you would like to know. Then it will be easier for me to make a lessons plan.

Perfect tatting – part 3

Today is a very short article and a short video. Just watch how to make a strong knot that is almost impossible to untie. Of course, if you want to, you can untie everything! LOL! But will the result be worth our efforts? This knot is useful when building up threads or at the end of work. Agree, this is very important. Imagine, knots untied after starching the work. Holes, holes, holes. This can break the heart of any needle crafters!

Surely many of you successfully use this knot in your work. And some of you, perhaps, should practice with me! Oh, I almost forgot to emphasize. No strong knot can cancel out hiding the tails of the threads! But more about that in the next lessons. The video is already uploaded on my channel, welcome:

Perfect Tatting – Part 3 is finished! Have a great weekend and happy perfect tatting!
I hope my previous blog posts will also be useful and interesting:

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Perfect tatting – part 2.

Perfect tatting – part 2.

Hello everyone! This is the second lesson in the series Perfect Tatting. You can read the first part here:

My articles will be accompanied by video tutorials. I will add them to my YouTube channel.

Please write in the comments what subtleties you would like to know. Then it will be easier for me to make a lesson plan.

Today I want to talk about joining picots. As an example, I took the pattern of the simplest flower made of five identical Rings.

Perfect tatting

You can choose any number of double stitches in the Ring, as you like. I took for the needle: 5, p, 5, p, 5, p, 5. And for the shuttle 3, p, 5, p, 5, p, 3.

Perfect tatting – part 2

I made a ring with three picots of the same size (picot length is about 4 mm).

But after the join picot with the second Ring, there is an extra loop. It looks sloppy.

However, there are patterns where such picots are exactly what is required by the drawing! Usually the designer specifies the length of the picots in such cases. In any case, I try to write in all instructions what length of picots should be made.

Perfect tatting – Small joining picot

In the graphic diagram you can see that the first and third picots of each Ring are joining ones. That’s why I made these picots very small. And as a result, my flower looks neat, doesn’t it? But if you make the joining picots about 8 mm long, you get a very interesting effect. Oh, sorry, I got distracted!

When joining through a picot, please use a crochet hook. Of course, using the “nose” of the shuttle is faster, I agree. But in this case, the small picot will stretch. And we strive for perfection! By the way, the request to use a hook also applies to needle tatters!

I hope you will enjoy watching the video:

Perfect Tatting – Part 2 is finished! Thank you for your patience!
I hope my previous blog posts will also be useful and interesting:

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Perfect tatting – part 1.

Perfect tatting – part 1.

Hello everyone!  This article begins a series of lessons “Perfect Tatting”. Tricks, subtleties, error correction, new skills – I share my experience.

My articles will be accompanied by video tutorials. I will add them to my YouTube channel.

Please write in the comments what subtleties you would like to know. Then it will be easier for me to make a lesson plan.

Firstly, I want to emphasize that all the techniques that I will talk about are NOT MANDATORY to implement! Everyone has their own opinion and their own “handwriting”! But I will be glad if my experience is useful and interesting to you.

So, ideal tatting, part 1.

Recently I was asked an interesting question: is it necessary to tie the thread to the shuttle?
Look closely: there is almost always a small hole on the shuttle. What is it for?

I am amazed at the talent of the designer who invented such a shape of tatting shuttles. Everything is very logical, ergonomic and practical!

Perfect tatting.Part1.

If you do not secure the thread to the shuttle, you will have to press the thread with your finger. No big deal – you will say! I agree. But I weave a lot and often use nylon and polyester threads in my work. They look so beautiful in jewelry…

If the thread rubs the skin on your finger all the time, you will get a cut and a scar. Believe me, I know. It is very painful. Take care of your hands!

No injuries, no trouble! I guess I should have called this article “Safe Tatting”! LOL
I often see on video when tatters hold the shuttle thread with their little finger. Try “freeing” your finger. The shuttle is designed to be moved freely, like a space shuttle! And hold the shuttle with only two fingers. It looks very elegant, by the way!

And for a good mood I added a knot on a thread for a tatting needle to the video. Of course you will smile! A spontaneous knot is too much!

Perfect Tatting – Part 1 is finished! Thank you for your patience!
I hope my previous blog posts will also be useful and interesting: