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Tatting in resin, part 1

Tatting in resin, part 1.

Hello everyone! According to your many requests, I begin to tell how I do tatting in resin. The previous post on tatting in resin you will see here:

I will try to make my story very detailed. So please be patient. 🙂 Because I can not do one post only. In this case, my post will be too long. Subscribe to my blog to keep abreast of the continuation of this topic. And you can ask any questions in the comments. I will always answer with pleasure. I also ask you to pay attention: this is my personal experience. And you can have your own opinion that does not coincide with mine.

Tatting in resin, keychains
Tatting in resin, keychains

Here are a few rules that I have defined for myself. I’m sure some of the rules will appeal to you too. 🙂

1. You must be in a great mood to create beautiful products!

2. You should be careful and not be distracted during the filling process. Otherwise, your “milk will run away”! 🙂

3. Strictly adhere to the resin manufacturer’s instructions. Because epoxy from different manufacturers have differences, but the main points are similar.

4. The temperature in your workshop should be + 25˚ C (in any case, approach this indicator). This is a very important point, because at a lower temperature in the room the resin will not be sufficiently fluid. In addition, it will be very difficult for you to get rid of air bubbles in the solution, alas.

5. Use TRANSPARENT plastic containers to mix resin and hardener. Transparent plastic cups are the most comfortable. Because you can clearly see in such containers the homogeneity of the solution and the presence of air bubbles.

6. Always wear protective gloves. No matter how I try to be careful, when working with resin, my hands get dirty anyway. Maybe you will be more accurate! 🙂

7. I also recommend that you prepare a table mat. For example, an old cutting mat will help you protect workplace from stains. And supply of paper napkins or rags will not hurt you! In any case, for me it is not superfluous.

8. I measure the weight of the components very accurately when mixing the solution. You can use a scale or syringe for this. I will talk about the intricacies of measuring components in the following posts.

I use silicone molds of different shapes and sizes.
Also I want to say that I do not use ultraviolet lamps or other heating devices. Because not all types of resin can be exposed to ultraviolet radiation. And special devices (such as a pressure tank or a vacuum chamber) are best used in large volumes. Anyway, I do without it!

So, my standard set for pouring consists of the following things: old cutting mat, resin, hardener, two plastic cups, disposable gloves, wooden sticks for stirring, scales, two syringes without needles, napkins, molds.

I hope you enjoyed my rules and you will enjoy using some of them. For example, the first rule (about a good mood) is useful to you for all occasions! 🙂 Do you agree? If you were interested, subscribe to my blog, ask questions in the comments. In the meantime, watch my video for a good mood!

Do not forget to check my store, welcome!

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Hiding end threads in tatting

Hiding end threads in tatting.

Oh, I already wrote before that I don’t like to hide the ends of threads. Does any of you love this? How terrible it is: to remove a lot of cut ends, worrying so that they do not come apart. Many tatters come up with how to make this process easier. Beginner tatters master the classical methods. In any case, it was so with me. Here you can watch my video, which shows in detail how I did it before.

I have studied many textbooks and videos on the Internet over ten years of my practice of tatting. Of course, there are many interesting and useful master classes for hiding end threads in tatting. But I did not find any material that combines the three methods of tatting: shuttle, needle and hook. My goal is to promote all kinds of tatting. Therefore I hope you will be interested in my experience!

So, a short review of today’s video. I like make large laced items, such as doily, tablecloths, collars, etc. In this case, I will have to “lengthen” the thread several times. And should try to make the snapping of the thread invisible and durable. After all, it is very important from an aesthetic and practical point of view! If I hide both cut ends in one ring or one chain, I get a thickening. (I don’t even consider the option with four threads at once!) Therefore, it is better to tie a new thread at the junction of two or more elements. Example in the photo.

Hiding end threads in tatting

You can modify and improve my experience, of course. I will be glad if you share in the comments your ways of hiding end threads in tatting. Welcome!

By the way, in conclusion, I want to say sorry-sorry-sorry-sorry! I forgot to activate the payment button for all countries. now this mistake is fixed. So I am extending the term of the action with a 10% discount on all my patterns. Now the PATTERNXMASDECOR coupon is valid until December 15th! Take advantage!

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips!

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, my dear friends! So very little time is left before the Happy Holidays – Christmas and New Year. This is the most wonderful time for me. I like the atmosphere enveloped in a fairy tale. People decorate their homes with garlands. Lights sparkle on the Christmas trees. And on the fireplace hangs stockings with sweets! Ah, what a miracle!

Ukrainian Catholics celebrate Christmas on December 24, and Orthodox Christians on January 7.

Sviata Vecheria

The Christmas Eve Supper or Sviata Vecheria (Holy Supper) brings the family together to partake in special foods and begin the holiday with many customs and traditions. This traditions which reach back to antiquity. The rituals of the Christmas Eve are dedicated to God . And to the welfare of the family, and to the remembrance of the ancestors. Family gathers to begin supper with the appearance of the first star. There are twelve courses in the Supper. Because according to the Christian tradition each course is dedicated to one of Christ’s Apostles. The first course is always kutia. It is the main dish of the whole supper.

Ukrainian Christmas songs

While many of the Ukrainian Christmas Eve customs are of a solemn nature, the custom of caroling is joyful and merry. Ukrainian Christmas songs or carols have their origins in antiquity, as do many other traditions practiced at Christmas time. The very popular Ukrainian carol in the United states, “Carol of the Bells”, in its originality is a shchedrivka. The very popular Ukrainian carol in the United states, “Carol of the Bells”, in its originality is a shchedrivka. This song tells about a swallow who came to the landowner’s house. First the swallow asks him to go out and say how rich he is. After swallow asks how many calves he has and so on. 🙂

Our family decorates the house with pleasure. It creates an incredibly festive atmosphere! A coniferous wreath decorate the front door, of course!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I really like handmade gifts. As rare thing can become your heirloom. Our heirloom is “Grandfather Frost” ( Santa Claus) passed down from generation to generation. We place this symbol under the Christmas tree every year. Our Santa Claus is over 60 years old!

I can’t wait for the holidays! Do you like Christmas? Write in the comments what heirlooms you have. It is very interesting.
I made a short video to create a festive mood. I hope the photo collage of my handmade products and fun music will please you!

Do not forget to check my store, welcome!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Tatting split chain

Tatting, split chain, new video tutorial.
I already wrote that I really don’t like to hide threads in tat (and nobody likes, right? 🙂 Therefore, I try to do tatting without cutting the thread between the rows. In one of my past posts, I showed you how to go from row to row using an split ring.
Today’s post is very short. I don’t want to take your time to read, because you can better watch a video with wonderful music like Mozart! So today, my new video. This a tatting lesson on how to make a split chain. As usual, I show all three types of tatting: shuttle tatting , needle tatting and cro-tatting. Perhaps for needle tatters this video will be especially interesting. Because for a tatting needle, there are two methods to make a split chain. So, welcome to my YouTube channel:

Tatting. Split chain_Moment
Tatting. Split chain_Moment

Subscribe to my blog , who is interested in tatting in resin! Because several articles on this topic are waiting for readers of my blog very soon. I will share ALL the secrets that I know myself 🙂 And of course, I’m sure these articles will help you make transparent tatting in resin absolutely perfect!

And finally a little reminder: 10% discount on all patterns in my store until November 30. Coupon Code: PATTERNXMASDECOR
 I like reading your comments, thanks! Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips!

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Tatting in resin

tatting in resin, handmade jewelry set

Tatting in resin. What is it? Perhaps I do not know the terminology very well. But the essence of the process is very accurately conveyed by these words: tatting lace frozen in resin.

Of course, fans of tatting for sure know the history of this beautiful kind of needlework. Some historians believe that the tatting technique originated in eastern countries in the 14th century! So over the years, tatting has undergone many changes and improvements. I already wrote about this in my blog. Nowadays, the art of tatting gets a new life. And this is very good! Do you agree with me?

Unfortunately, often we see antique tatting items in a deplorable state. So tatting is made of thread. The threads were not always of very high quality, I think. Alas, the threads are not very durable material. And the threads require careful care. But how to keep lace for long, long time in perfect condition? I decided to combine the old tatting technique with modern synthetic material – epoxy resin.

Oh, I had to do a lot of experiments! I messed up 1/2 liter of resin! I threw out more than 30 fragments of lace! If you are interested in how I achieved acceptable results, please write in the comments. I will make a series of articles on the topic of “tatting in resin” and share my experience without fail. The main difficulty when working with lace and resin is to achieve transparency of the resin and make very small pieces of lace. If we use big lace pieces, we need big molds. Therefore, the finished product will be bulky. Is not it? I made some patterns for little keychains. For example, “Rose Garden Alphabet.” Each letter is no larger than 1 inch. You can see this alphabet here:

Rose Garden Alphabet for tatting in resin

And I also made a short video to demonstrate some of my ideas for tatting in resin. Welcome, please!

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips!

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Lace collars for the dress

Lace collars for the dress. Yes, as the name suggests, today I want to talk … about time! What is the relationship between time and collars? Ah, these are my associations! Perhaps you will agree with me. But read my post to the end, please! If you like it, subscribe and leave comments. Philosophical thoughts are welcome! 🙂

At first – about the collars. I found a very interesting and instructive article on this topic:

Collar (clothing)

In clothing, a collar is the part of a shirt, dress, coat or blouse that fastens around or frames the neck. Among clothing construction professionals, a collar is differentiated from other necklines such as revers and lapels, by being made from a separate piece of fabric, rather than a folded or cut part of the same piece of fabric used for the main body of the garment. A collar may be permanently attached to the main body of the garment (e.g. by stitching) or detachable.

You can read this Wikipedia article. Many different types of collars, many illustrations.

There are also lace collars. Ah, gentle, delicate handmade lace! Great lace collars were worn in the second quarter of the 17th century, and also a little later, in the Victorian era.

But everything in history repeats itself. In fashion history, too, of course! And at the beginning of the 21st century, we are pleased to wear what our ancestors liked so much! Including large lace collars for the dress.

Tatting lace collars for the dress
Tatting lace collars for the dress

How fleeting is the time! We are always in a hurry, afraid to be late. How expensive is every minute of our lives! I am mentally immersed in the atmosphere of antiquity when I create my lace collars. This is a “time travel” ritual. For me, anyway. And time stops! I forget about food and water when I immerse myself in the magical world of lace. I stop following the flow of time around me. 🙂 And then comes the wonderful moment of completion. Now the lace collar is ready to meet with the usual dress. This meeting always creates the perfect outfit!

So, take a few minutes of your time and watch a short video, please! I supplemented this slide show with the magnificent music of Mozart. Hope this creates a suitable atmosphere!

Reminder! 10% discount on all patterns in my store until November 30. Coupon Code: PATTERNXMASDECOR

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Results of the competition for tatters

Results of the competition for tatters summed up today! So I hope you enjoyed the contest and you took part in it with pleasure.

Firstly, I thank all the participants of my competition! Thanks for the great names for my new doily (your fantasy is commendable, of course!).
Secondly, I got into a rather difficult situation. It’s impossible to choose – all the names are beautiful and I like everything! Therefore, it was necessary to conduct a secret voting. Thirdly, I decided to slightly change the rules of the competition. According to the new rule results of the competition for tatters these are:


The author of the best name and the most active follower will receive as gift for tatters “Three snowflakes tatting patter” free,

SIX participants receive tatting pattern 3D Bow.

Ta-daaaaa!!!! Here are the winners:

Diane Brown – first prize;

second prizes:

Amritha Prabhu, Bebe, Jacqueline Rot, Joan Thomas , Linda Barnes, Michele Waite!!!!!!!

And finally, my new doily gets its wonderful name: Winter Glitz. Translated from German, this means Winter Shine. But I really like how it sounds in German. It is sounds bright and dazzling, like the radiance of the sun on immaculately white snow! Thank You, Diane Brown!

Results of the competition for tatters - Winter Glitz - tatting doily
Results of the competition for tatters – Winter Glitz

Dear winners, check your email, please! I sent you patterns.

But these are not all gifts! My Christmas present for you – 10% discount on all patterns in my store. Coupon Code: PATTERNXMASDECOR

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips!

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Gift for tatters

Right now, a gift for tatters, who active subscribers to my blog! Want to get a gift from FairyLace? You welcome!

Only blog subscribers can participate in the prize draw.

  1. Subscribe to my blog;
  2. Give a name to my new lace doily and write this wonderful name in the comments to this post;
  3. Post a link to this post on social networks (the more links, the more chances you have for a prize!).
  4. Follow me on social networks: FB – Instagram – Twitter – Pinterest – YouTube –

The author of the best name and the most active follower will receive as gift for tatters “Three snowflakes tatting patter” free,
two second prizes – Tatting Pattern 3D Bow.

So, this is a doily that awaits a beautiful name!

Gift for tatters, pattern doily

Comments and reposts are counted until October 7, inclusive. The results will be announced on October 8th. Good luck to all!

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Goodbye Halloween, hello Christmas!

I hope your Halloween was fun! You looked amazing in exclusive jewelry? But, Goodbye Halloween! And hello Christmas!

Christmas is the most wonderful holiday! Do you agree? And you still have time to prepare unusual Christmas gifts for your family and friends. So what are they giving for Christmas?

and too gadgets, bags, funny little things, home decor and much more.

So of course, everyone would like to receive an unusual, rare gift, one of a kind and made especially for you. Is not it? You can find such personalized gifts in many stores. But do all sellers give buyers the opportunity to be creative? And now you have the opportunity to create a personalized Christmas present. Unusual snow globe can not always be glass, it turns out! Come up with a unique design and say: hello Christmas!

personalized embroidery snow globe
personalized embroidery snow globe

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips!

Welcome to my YouTube channel:

My Christmas present for you – 10% discount on all patterns in my store. Coupon Code: PATTERNXMASDECOR

Hello Christmas!