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Variations musical and more

Variations musical and more, or how music inspired me.

Hello everyone! Do you love classical music? Even if you prefer modern popular music, you have heard the name Beethoven anyway. I’m not talking about the famous St. Bernard dog, LOL, but about the great German composer Ludwig van Beethoven. In any case, in the old days, many people had the ringtone “Fur Elise” by Beethoven on their phones. And all beginning pianists try to learn at least the beginning of the “Moonlight Sonata”. The first part of the sonata (Adagio sostenuto) was called “lunar” by the music critic Ludwig Rellstab in 1832 ? By the way, this happened already 5 years after the author’s death – he compared this work to “moonlight over Lake Firwaldstät.” This sonata has No. 14 and is dedicated to Giulietta Guicciardi. Oh, what a sad love story!

Variations musical and more
Variations musical and more

Amazing Variations musical in Sonata 32

Beethoven created 32 piano sonatas. I assure you, EVERYTHING is there! You hear the influence of the Viennese classics in the first sonatas. Then you are amazed at the drama and tragedy conveyed by the composer. But the last sonatas are something incredible (in my opinion)! Oh, I’m just in love with Beethoven’s last sonata. Because we hear many unexpected solutions in it. And I love non-standard and fantasy!

First, this sonata is in two movements, a rare exception in classical sonata form. Secondly, listen to how the definition of tempo sounds: Adagio molto semplice e cantabile. That is, very calm, simple and melodious. Thirdly, Beethoven wrote this sonata in 1821-1822, being already ABSOLUTELY deaf. This is incredible! And fourthly ( icing on the cake! ) – for the second movement Beethoven used a theme with five variations and a coda , ta-daaa! Although, I am sure, the complexity of the form is compensated by the “simplicity” of C major. What am I saying? Romanticism, jazz, swing – everything is here! Or is it just me? Hear for yourself how it sounds!

And I also learned an interesting fact. In Thomas Mann’s novel Doctor Faustus, in one of the scenes the hero performs Beethoven’s 32nd Sonata. And then the hero delivers a big monologue about the hidden meaning of this music.

“Variations” garland

Now I’m sure you will understand my delight and inspiration! I called my new project Variations. Of course, I’m not as talented as Beethoven. But I tried to implement non-standard and original techniques and forms in small snowflakes. Did I succeed? What do you think? Write to me in the comments please. And also write, are you interested in learning new things not only about tatting? But also about variations musical and more, and more, and more…

The “Variations” garland pattern is available in my store, please check:

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Bracelet with cute story

Bracelet with cute story, or how I was looking for a name for a new bracelet.

When I was picking threads for this bracelet, I imagined a cute Barbie doll. Barbie style suggests just such delicate, romantic and soft colors. But I can’t call my bracelet Barbie, because it could be copyright infringement. I always urge masters to treat copyrights of any artist reverently and honestly. So I went to the internet, haha! By the way, at the same time I learned some interesting facts. You probably know how I love to learn new interesting stories.

Bracelet with cute story
Bracelet with cute story

Some facts about Barbie

Barbie first appeared at the children’s goods fair in New York (1959). Ruth and Elliot Handler created this amazing doll. It is believed that the prototype of the famous doll was Bild Lilly, the heroine of erotic comics published in the newspaper “Bild Zeitung” (Germany). Barbie’s full fictional name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.

The first Barbie cost $3. Ah, I can’t even imagine how much a collectible Barbie can cost today!

Nowadays, there are many models of the famous doll and her family and friends. Also huge number of all kinds of accessories, computer games about Barbie are also sold. In 2004, the cartoon “Barbie and the Nutcracker” was filmed. In my opinion, few toys can compete in popularity with this blonde Barbara!

I think you will also like my new bracelet with this cute story. By the way, you can make such a bracelet according to my master class.

I also invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, welcome:

I have to admit that this post was not easy for me. It is hard not to think about grief and misfortune in my country. And I am deeply grateful to everyone who supports and prays for our free, strong and independent Ukraine! Thank you my dear friends!

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Must-have lady’s makeup bag

Must-have lady’s makeup bag , or why a handkerchief in a cosmetic bag.

Hello, everyone!

In this post I want to talk about the manners of a real lady. Of course, I understand that during the quarantine, our movements are limited. It should be so, no doubt But even on those rare days when we leave the house wearing masks, we want to look beautiful. Do you agree? My great-grandmother used to say: a real lady can never look unkempt. Of course, you will not paint your face, for example, in a supermarket or restaurant. I’m sure you do it at home. Same as me. But sometimes we have to fix our makeup. Therefore, I always carry a cosmetic bag in my purse. And in my cosmetic bag I put the necessary minimum of cosmetics. Because if I put together a complete set, I have to carry a huge suitcase!

So what do I put in my cosmetic bag.

This is a lip pencil, lipstick, mascara, eyeshadow, powder with a mirror, a small bottle of perfume and a handkerchief. Probably your set is different from mine. Or they are similar. But do you have a beautiful handkerchief? I’m not talking about compact packages of disposable antiseptic wipes. Because we have this subject all the time. In the car or in your pocket. Yes? But I feel like a real lady when I take out a thin lace handkerchief. Ah, those lace accessories. Ladies at balls dropped them at the feet of their gentlemen, hiding a note in a fabric. And what conflict arose between the musketeers over a silk handkerchief? Have you read Dumas’ novel The Three Musketeers?

How to sew tatting lace to fabric

I don’t throw a handkerchief on the floor or hide notes in there, ha ha! But I can laugh to tears. Yes, I am a very emotional lady. In this case, my makeup is slightly disturbed. And the contents of the bag will help me! I will gently and delicately remove the tears from my eyes with a handkerchief. And I like it if my handkerchief makes the ladies around me envy. So I make my handkerchiefs myself. Everything is very simple. I need to weave lace, sew this lace to the fabric. And voila, you’re done! Try it too! I’m sure you will like it! Moreover, I have prepared for you a new edging pattern and a video tutorial on how to sew tatting lace to fabric. The video contains three methods. Therefore, you can choose whichever one you like.

You can read more about the pattern here:

And this is a link to a video tutorial, welcome:

I will be glad if you write in the comments what lies in your cosmetic bag. And also leave feedback on my new pattern and video, please. Subscribe to stay informed. Thanks!

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Languages of the world

Languages of the world, or why I chose English for tatting patterns.

Hello, everyone!

You will certainly agree with me that 2020 was not the kindest year for everyone, alas. But there are also pluses. We can devote more time to our own self-education, right? I enjoy reading wikipedia articles. Because this way I can learn a lot of new and interesting things!

It turns out, there are 7174 languages on Earth for 2020. Do you know this?

Some statistics

About 2/3 of the world’s people speak the 40 most spoken languages. Most people speak Chinese, Hindi, English, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian and French. So it is written in the Russian version of Wikipedia. But in the English version of the same Wikipedia, the following is written: English is the foremost—and by some accounts only—world language. In sociolinguistics, a world language (sometimes global language, rarely international language) is a language that extends far beyond its national boundaries and makes it possible for members of different language communities to communicate. Beyond that, there is no academic consensus about which languages qualify; Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Malay, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swahili are other possible world languages.

Yes, I have read many different articles on the subject of World Languages. Of course, it is difficult to calculate exactly how many people in the world speak a particular language. Statistical data should be based on population censuses. Therefore, the numbers in different publications do not match. It is much easier to count the official languages of the countries of the world. In 56 countries the official language is English. Ah, that’s probably why I chose English for the instructions for my tatting patterns!

To write or not to write

At first, I couldn’t decide if detailed descriptions were needed. Because it was easier for me to just draw a graphical diagram with numbers. I have asked many tatters if a graphical diagram is enough for them. And the majority told me unanimously – no. You know that a person assimilates a visual picture better than just text. And detailed description helps to understand difficult points. I’m talking about pivot points of work or changing work’s and shuttle’s threads, for example. Besides, I do not always create the patterns are simple and easy. I love to surprise sometimes! I worked as a teacher for many years. And so I understand how important it is to explain the lesson correctly. Only then will the students be able to perform the task perfectly.

So I decided to combine the visual range with a detailed description. But what language should I write? You have read carefully, I hope. Therefore, you will immediately understand me. Yes, I chose English. 🙂

However, gradually I decided to translate my instructions into other languages. And I started with Italian. I cannot explain my choice. Probably because Italian sounds beautiful, like a song. But perhaps because I really like the country of Italy. And also because I am a member of the Italian-speaking group of tatting masters on FB. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my FB friend, group administrator Ninetta Caruso. Ninetta is an unusually talented and experienced tatting master. You will understand my admiration for her work if you visit Ninetta Caruso’s blog:

English, Italian, and …

So, I’m starting a new stage of working on patterns. My goal is to create new master classes in English and Italian. And, if possible – a translation of my previous lessons.
Now you can check out my new bilingual pattern, Easter Egg Bouquet. This is very important because Easter is coming soon. Welcome:

Languages of the world

But maybe two languages are not enough? And what language would you advise me to translate the patterns into? Please write in the comments.

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips! Welcome!

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Forty snowflakes

Forty snowflakes, forty new master classes for tatting needles.

Forty snowflakes

Hello, everyone!

The winter is not over yet. Therefore, my new project does not lose its relevance (I hope).

The fun with the snow is especially pleasing to my eight-year granddaughter.

But my angel and I were not only playing . I teach Maria to tat with a needle. Because this is the simplest tatting method. Since my granddaughter lives far away, our classes are not very frequent.

And this is the third work of my golden girl!

It’s easy for me to teach my granddaughter because tatting is my favorite pastime. And I am constantly creating new patterns, new lace products. I am also very happy when subscribers contact me with questions about tatting. You know, I’m always ready to help! I think many people know the wonderful tatting shuttle designs from Blomquist and Persson. But for novice tatters, these descriptions are rather complicated.

So I decided to adapt these designs for a needle. I must say that this is not easy. I have collected 40 designs in one collection ( 8 garlands with 5 snowflakes in each garland ) . For each snowflake, a graphical diagram is drawn, photos are taken and detailed instructions are written in English. In addition, I made an additional video to help you master some tricks. You can buy pattern for each garland separately in my store. Or buy the complete collection at a very attractive price.

In addition, you can combine snowflakes into garlands in different combinations. Lots of options! So each tutorial costs less $ 1! Imagine your delight when you finish the fortieth snowflake! I’m sure you will be proud of yourself, go ahead! Welcome!

Comments on the video.

At the end of the article, a few comments on my video. Of course, you know how to make a pattern out of just rings. For shuttle is absolutely simple. Of course, use one shuttle. But be sure to make sure that all the distances between the rings are the same. For this, you can use plastic strips. By the way, do you make a tie knot after each ring? I do it because it makes the pattern look neater.

But how to make such a pattern with a needle? It’s very simple too. However, be patient and arm yourself with a needle threader (if necessary). Because you will have to carry out ALL rings on the back of the needle. And, of course, an attachment knot at the end of each ring is needed. This fixes the ring and makes the pattern strong and neat.

In the third part of my video, I tat with tatting hook. Yes, I really like cro-tatting method. Notice how easy it is to make a fastening knot. In addition, this knot helps to make the transition from one ring to another with a single thread.

So listen to the beautiful music of Mozart in my video. And don’t forget to subscribe to my channel.

Also join me on social media. Welcome!

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Long picots.

How to make straight long picots.

Long picots
Long picots

Hello everyone! First, I want to thank everyone for your prayers and support. My husband is doing better. The new cardiogram showed only one systole. My dear hubby will have another checkup next week. And I hope everything will be fine.

And now about something even more pleasant. 🙂 I have already written in previous posts about my hobby for long picots. Yes, I created a new collection based on this method. This is Summer mood.

So, you asked what picot gauge I use. You can take a “tatting needle and picot gauge”. But I do not like bulky tools. I use plastic strips of different widths or homemade cardboard templates. Because you can make them as many as you like, any width and length!

Also, I needed 10 strips of different widths to make the collar necklace “Sea Glass”!

Detachable blue collar necklace for Dress Sia Glass

I’m putting together a collection of platinum stripes! Because I like long gauge. After all, this is very convenient for weaving several picots in a row. But this is in my opinion, of course. I made a video for you how to make even long picots. And of course I show 4 ways.


Tatting with a shuttle.


Tatting with a needle.

The third


The fourth

This my favorite tatting tool – the netting needle. Don’t forget to come back to me after watching the video, please!

I hope you enjoy tat the long picots. It’s so exciting, isn’t it? In addition, I always call for the expansion of knowledge and skills. My great-grandfather used to say: to know and be able to – not to carry, but in life it will come in handy. Oh, sorry, I don’t know the English equivalent of this proverb!
Here is another pattern with long picots. This cute Christmas bell is easy to make just by following the instructions! Welcome!

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips!

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Summer mood

Summer mood, or how I decided to create a series of doilies called “Summer mood”.

Hello everyone!

Today is the middle of summer! Wow, I can’t believe it. Perhaps the rains and hurricanes prevented me from believing that summer had come. But let’s not talk about sad things. I want to show which roses bloomed in my garden. Yes, I have different flowers. So, each season has its own flowers. But now is the time for roses, isn’t it? Delicate yellow roses create a wonderful summer mood.

And these roses look like the sun. I regret that you cannot smell their aroma!

I thought, why don’t I take pictures of these flowers against a snow-white doily. But I need a very-very delicate doily. I want to emphasize the grace and beauty of a rose.

Tatting doily ” La Rosa dei Venti”.

I got a good photo (I think so). Do you agree with me? The pattern and detailed video can be bought here:

This name translates from Italian as ” Wind Rose”. I know that this symbol indicates the direction of the winds. But this symbol still looks like a rose. No wonder such a name. In addition, I really like the sound in Italian.

But what about the other flowers? Maybe I’ll try to create some doilies in this style. And with the help of photos I will combine these doilies into one collection. By the way, I’m thinking about a pleasant surprise for my subscribers. But I’ll tell about this when the collection is ready. Now I made two doilies in this style. But I need to choose the right flower for the “Mandala” doily. What flower do you think? I have light purple bells in my garden. I’ll try. Perhaps it will turn out beautifully. If you do not remember my doily “Mandala” , check here, please:

Of course, I will be glad to your comments. Tell us which flowers you like. How is the weather in your city this summer? And be sure to express your opinion on whether I should create such a collection. Or are two doilies with long picot enough?

Also you can watch the video and subscribe to my YouTube channel, welcome:

Join my blog to stay informed. Comment and ask questions.

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Long picot in a new doily

Long picot in a new doily

Hello everyone!

I try very hard to create a new project every week, do you remember? And now I am very interested in the possibility of combining long picot. Because, this is extremely exciting, believe me!

I plan to create a small collection of patterns using long picots. So, I wrote in a previous post about the first pattern in this series. I called this napkin “Mandala.”

And the Mandala pattern is already on sale, welcome:

In the next model, I combined picot of different lengths. It turned out interesting. This pattern is not for beginner tatters, of course. But we must always evolve, right? I simply have to try new tricks, new methods. Because I feel how each new knowledge increases my self-esteem. Yes, don’t be surprised. I am also sure that the long picot in the new doily creates lightness and airiness. You know that these properties are especially appreciated in lace. Do you agree with me?

I hope you appreciate my new job. And I would like to know if it is worth creating a collection of such napkins? If you write your opinion in the comments, I will be glad 🙂

So, this is what my new doily looks like. Again, I am at a loss in choosing a name, alas 🙂 I will try to make instructions as soon as possible (maybe by the end of the week). By this time I should come up with a name as well.

Long picot in a new doily

Also you can watch the video and subscribe to my YouTube channel, welcome:

Join my blog to stay informed. Comment and ask questions.

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New week new project

New week new project.

Hello everyone! On June 17, my competition for the best name for tatting doily ended. Ah, how many beautiful names, how many kind words I received! It’s amazing! I am extraordinarily inspired. And after a wonderful weekend (I hope your weekend was also good!) I start my new week with a new project.

I decided to use an interesting technique for the center of this doily. It looks like bobbin lace, doesn’t it?

New week new project
New week new project

I want to call this doily “Wheel of Time”. Because the alternation of dense and airy rows reminds me of the running of time in our lives. I think each of you has come across “long” days when time goes on endlessly. And I know there are so “swift” days that fly by like an instant. This is the wheel of time that moves without stopping, then slowing down, then accelerating. Zoe Carbajales came up with this name. I hope she will not mind using this name for my new project.

Previous option

So, I did this project 7 years ago. And the previous version of this template looked like this.

Grey mandala doily

Now I decided to slightly change the general appearance, changed the color and thickness of the threads. I’m very interested in your opinion on the title. Therefore write in the comments, please. Is the “Wheel of Time” suitable for this doily?

By the way, pay attention to the personalized shuttle that I use. Do you want one for yourself? Check out my store, please:

You can also watch a video on my YouTube channel, welcome:

So, I will try to finish the pattern at the end of the week. Anyway, I will try! But after tat, I will need to draw a graphical diagram in a computer program, write instructions and mount a video tutorial. Yes, I plan to add a video to this manual. Do you think the video helps a lot? Or is it a waste of time? Oh, I’m talking about time again! Write your opinions in the comments.

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Announcement of winners

Announcement of winners contest for the best name of my new doily. Competition for masters and tatting fans. What is the name of my new doily?

Best name for tatting doily

Thanks so much to all the participants! You came up with a lot of great name options for my new doily.
Lot determined the winner! You can see the video report on my YouTube channel:

So, the winner is Joan Thomas! My doily got the name “Honeycomb”! Joan receives a FREE doily “Honeycomb” tutorial. And also Coupon Code 30% discount on all patterns in my store.
The first 10 participants receive a Coupon Code 30% discount on all patterns in my store.

  1. Michele ;
  2. Wally;
  3. Isabella;
  4. Dawn;
  5. Connie Lewis;
  6. Andrea Fruggiero;
  7. Michelle;
  8. Mary G Chandler;
  9. Sarah;
  10. Helga.

I really liked ALL the names! Of course, I could not ignore all the participants. Therefore, I give the Coupon Code 20% discount on all patterns in my store for other participants.
Your prizes will be sent to everyone by e-mail registered when participating in the competition. Check ALL folders, please. My message may go to the spam folder if you have not added me to your contact list.

So, the Announcement of winners has taken place. I thank all the participants and congratulate the winners!

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