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Vintage buttons

Vintage buttons. Tips for beginner tatters. Part 4 , or how to add a beautiful button to a tatting pattern. Part 3 of my articles for beginning tatters can be read here:

Hello everyone! I’ve recently been organizing my craft supplies. Ah, I have to do this from time to time! To you too? And among the three kilograms of buttons, I found several pieces that interested me.

vintage button

Often I have seen round buttons added to tatting patterns. I made such a heart (this was 12 years ago).

But these are rectangular buttons. Can they be used? Why not?

As usual, I didn’t stop at shuttles only. After all, for those who tat with a needle, it is also interesting to make a small brooches with a vintage buttons. Do you agree?
The pattern is very simple. Because the main thing in this pattern is the rectangular button!

Use a crochet hook when making connections. Choose a hook that will fit easily into the button hole.

I decided it wasn’t worth doing graphic design. Therefore, I simply put numbers indicating the number of double stitches directly on the photo. You can take a screenshot or download a PDF file from the link:

Tatting with button
Tatting with button

Educational video on my YouTube channel. Please take a look and come back!

Some useful tips for tat with vintage buttons

Of course, if the buttons are dirty, they need to be washed and dried.

As you work, try to tighten the loops inside the button tightly. Otherwise, the button will not be firmly secured in the middle of the pattern. But we don’t want the buttons to “dangle or float” in space!

Another important point. Try to ensure that the threads on the button lie parallel and do not twist with each other. This will make your work look neater.

When watching a video please note that I respect the front and back sides when weaving. It seems to me that in this case the picots look more beautiful.

The two motifs are made with the same threads and the same pattern. But with the shuttle and needle ready, the motif turns out to be of different sizes.

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Work on bugs

Work on bugs, or never fall into despair.

Hello everyone! Today I want to thank everyone who thinks of me, prays for my country and supports us in this terrible time. So I just can’t imagine how one can cope with depression or despair alone.

Yesterday I had a psychologically very difficult day. 400th day of open occupation, bombing and destruction of my country. Yes, my nerves can not stand it, alas. Although I try to do my favorite thing – tatting. But this is impossible. After all, creativity requires a special state of mind. Do you agree?

Ah, I had to reach out to FB tatting group members for support and prayers. My dears! I am extremely touched by your words and prayers. Also I low bow to everyone for not letting me fall into despair!

Fixing the bug connecting picots

Unfortunately, circumstances do not always give me the opportunity to be an active participant in social networks. But I’m trying! Recently I saw a post with a photo of an error in the finished tatting product and the question is whether it can be fixed. Of cource, all needleworkers know how much time, work, focus and diligence we put into each of our handmade products. And then, finally, when you can with delight say “tadaaam!” , you discover an unfortunate mistake. Ah, I forgot to connect the two elements with picots according to the scheme. What to do? How to fix? Throw everything away and start over? Well, how can you not fall into despair.

Work on bugs
Work on bugs

But my article today is titled: Work on bugs, or never fall into despair. So, the main thing is not to succumb to negative emotions. As you know, there are two ways out of any situation, one of which is correct, ha ha! So what can we do? First, you can throw away this work and do it all over again. But that would be just the wrong way out. Therefore, I suggest taking a sewing needle and a thin thread of the same color as our product. This way you simply sew each missing picot to the ring (or chain, if it fits the pattern). Of course, it is difficult to explain this process in words. However, we have an assistant – YouTube channel! My new video on this topic is ready to watch, welcome!

Please subscribe to my blog, comment and share on social networks. And also check my store:

Thank you!

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How to make acute angle in chain

How to make acute angle in chain, or hearts are never too many.

Hello everyone!  Thanks for the support of my blog and new subscribers!

I often ask you to write in the comments what you would like to learn new about tatting. This helps me a lot when looking for topics for the next post. Because when I answer your question, I firmly believe that this topic excites you. Here’s one new question from my customer: how to make acute angle in tatting. And as usual, I made a video for three tatting methods: shuttle, needle and hook. Watch my video and come back.(I hope you will continue reading until the end!)

Why do you need acute corner in lace? Oh, I can talk for hours about new methods, new shapes, new tools! Yes, I love to learn new things. And you? Classic tatting patterns of rings and arcs are beautiful (almost always). I agree, of course. But sometimes there is a need for stylization. For example, if I am making a heart pattern, I cannot do without a sharp corner. Otherwise, the pattern will not be perfect.

I have created a collection of hearts. And in my opinion, these hearts look pretty cute 🙂

How to make acute angle in chain

You can buy a pattern for each heart separately in my store. Or buy three patterns together at an attractive price, welcome!

How to make acute angle in chain

Subscribe to my blog, comment, ask questions. Believe me, I try very hard to make my posts interesting and useful!

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How to make a personalized tatting shuttle

How to make a personalized tatting shuttle?

Hello everyone! My granddaughter graduated from second grade (all the marks are on top, of course!). After such a busy year, the child should rest, right? And now my Maria is relaxing about sea with her parents. Therefore, I can devote more time to my tatting.

I told in one of the previous posts how to choose tatting tools.

I admit, I like to use shuttles the most. I thought that there are many beginner tattoos and masters of this art who also love to use shuttles. And yes, I consider tatting art, do you agree? Therefore, I decided to create unusual shuttles. Let it be “lace for lace.”

So I thought, creating my first collection of shuttles.

These were shuttles with flowers using the tatting technique. There are 154 knots in each flower! To weave these mini pieces, I used the thin embroidery threads. This is part of my stock! I’m not a threadsholik ( ha-ha-ha! ), I just love different colors!

But how to make a personalized tatting shuttle? For this, initials are needed. Many attempts, a few torn threads, and as a result, a collection of personalized shuttles is ready, cheers!

How to make a personalized tatting shuttle
How to make a personalized tatting shuttle

Perhaps you will appreciate the filigree of my work by watching the video. I tried to show with what thin threads letters are made. Do not worry, my hands are not so scary really! This is a very close-up shot.

What color shuttles do you like more? Perhaps you have suggestions for choosing thread colors. Write in the comments which combination of shuttle and letter is your favorite. These may be unexpected and fresh decisions, I am sure!

You can see and buy ready-made shuttles in my store:

Take care of yourself!

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Tatting curl

Tatting curl. How to make curl in beginning work.

Hello everyone! I recently made a new pattern for tatting earrings ” Valentine “. By the way, now you can buy any pattern at a discount 10%. Use coupon code: OFF10HAPPYPATTERN

Tatting curl

I used curl in these earrings. After posting to the FB, you asked me how to do this.

So I decided to tell you more about how I make curls. There are several subtleties. Take my advice. And then your curls will look perfect!

First trick

You must try to ensure that all nodes are strong enough. Do you know that you can determine the nature of a person by nodes? Yes, psychologists know many tricks to analyze us! If your nodes are very strong, you have a solid and even somewhat tough character. If you make free knots, then most likely your character is soft and calm. Please write in the comments if your nodes match your character! It is very interesting. Because my nodes even depend on my mood, yes! Oh, I’m a little distracted! So, tatting curl. What you need for a perfect curl. Firstly, try to make your nature very solid at this moment 🙂 The stronger the knots you tie, the better it a curl will hold the form.

Second trick

We start tat with a chain sometimes. Of course, it depends on the pattern. In this case, it is convenient to use a paper clip. But for curl, this does not work absolutely. Because you get a weak knot at the beginning of the curl after disconnecting the paper clip. What to do? I take a small piece of thread. How it works, check out my video. This my video shows three methods of tatting, as usual: tatting with a shuttle, tatting with a needle and cro-tatting. You can easily and simply make a curl at the beginning of weaving.

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips! Welcome!

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How to make tatting grass

How to make tatting grass. My new video tutorial.

Hello everyone! See how cute lace appliques I made for my granddaughter. These cute pictures adorn my Maria’s nursery.

Of course, these tatting are made with great love for my angel!

I will not tell in detail how to make a butterfly. Because I’m sure that all tatters can do this! Even beginners lace-makers know that four rings can be put together in a cute butterfly. Do you agree?

How to weave a flower in 4 minutes, see here, welcome:

Also in my pictures there is a tree, a big daisy, the sun and a cloud. If you are interested, you can buy these patterns in my store.

Finally, today I did a new video tutorial on how to make tatting grass. And of course, in this video I show all three methods of tatting . It’s tatting shuttle, tatting needle and cro-tatting. By the way, for the shuttle, I showed two ways. Therefore, you can choose the one that you like best. But I will tell you a little secret. I like to use the second method (pearl weaving) for grass. Perhaps I don’t quite know the designation of this method. But you will probably understand me after showing video. Subscribe to my video channel, like and comment.

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips! Welcome!

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How to choose tools for tatting

How to choose tools for tatting? An important question, isn’t it? But first ask yourself what type of tatting you want to do. Choose shuttle tatting , needle tatting or cro-tatting. I wrote here details about the three types of tatting : Now let’s talk in detail about each instrument.

If you chose to shuttle, buy 2 pieces to get you started. At first this will be enough for you. Which shuttle is better to choose? I do not know! Each tatters decides for herself what she likes best. But I will share my experience of weaving with different shuttles.

1.Tatting Shuttle

Tatting Shuttle with hook and bobbin is very attractive. They combine a hook and a shuttle. It’s comfortable. Because it takes less time to connect the elements. And you can easily thread wound on the bobbin. But the plastic bobbin break very soon and stop being fixed in the shuttle. The thread unwound and you need to fix the thread with your fingers when tying knots. And hook can break off, alas.

The most popular are plastic shuttles “with spout”. These are my favorite shuttles. They come in different sizes, different colors, different quality of plastic … The choice is diverse! But you must use a crochet hook if you want to achieve a very close connection between the elements. Because the “spout” can stretch a small picot.

Also it is good to use classic shuttles, but with the crochet hook too.

Wooden tatting shuttles. I have cherry wood and golden oak. Very beautiful, light, comfortable. You can buy shuttles from any tree, even exotic ones. Wooden shuttles are more expensive than plastic shuttles, of course. But they are worth it, believe me!

I do not recommend using metal shuttles. They are heavy, the hook is uncomfortable. Very quickly, the latch on the case broke. Not subject to repair. I had to throw it away. Maybe I’m just out of luck?

2. Tatting needle.

If you have chosen the type of tatting with a needle, pay attention to two attributes. First, the needle should not thicken at the end. This will help to make the weave more dense, not stretch the knots. Secondly, the needle should not be sharp so as not to puncture or scratch your fingers.

And in some cases you will have to use a crochet hook to make the perfect connection of the elements. I have never tried wooden needles. But I’ll think about buying them, maybe. And then I will share with you my experience.

3. Cro-tatting.

Tatting hooks are special. Do not try to use ordinary hooks for crocheting. Take a closer look, see the difference?

In my opinion, the most convenient hooks for tatting are Takashimabari hooks.

I hope this post will make it easier for you to choose tools for tatting! Next time I will talk about additional tools that I use when weaving.
Subscribe to my blog to stay updated.
Share your experience in choosing tatting tools in the comments, please. It will be interesting. See what you can do with the right tatting tools:

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Tatting little tricks

You already know that I like to use different little tricks for tatting. And today is another tatting little trick for you, my dear readers!

Nobody likes to hide threads after weaving. Is not it? I also do not like! Therefore, I try to leave as few trimmed threads as possible. For example, I made this doily WITHOUT CUTTING THREADS completely. In this case, I used split rings and split chains.

Do you think this is difficult? Not at all! Start by connecting the first and second rows of any doily. Often, patterns begin with one ring. For example, like here:

This is a fragment of the tatting pattern of the Japanese master Yusai Shokoin.

First, try not to cut the thread after the first row, use a split ring. And you can watch this process on my YouTube channel. By tradition, I am doing a video lesson for three types of tatting: tatting shuttle, tatting needle and cro-tatting.
Maybe, you may not using split ring very well. In this case, a detailed video tutorial on this topic will come in handy, I think!

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips!

A variety tatting patterns you can buy in my store. Welcome!