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New week new project

New week new project.

Hello everyone! On June 17, my competition for the best name for tatting doily ended. Ah, how many beautiful names, how many kind words I received! It’s amazing! I am extraordinarily inspired. And after a wonderful weekend (I hope your weekend was also good!) I start my new week with a new project.

I decided to use an interesting technique for the center of this doily. It looks like bobbin lace, doesn’t it?

New week new project
New week new project

I want to call this doily “Wheel of Time”. Because the alternation of dense and airy rows reminds me of the running of time in our lives. I think each of you has come across “long” days when time goes on endlessly. And I know there are so “swift” days that fly by like an instant. This is the wheel of time that moves without stopping, then slowing down, then accelerating. Zoe Carbajales came up with this name. I hope she will not mind using this name for my new project.

Previous option

So, I did this project 7 years ago. And the previous version of this template looked like this.

Grey mandala doily

Now I decided to slightly change the general appearance, changed the color and thickness of the threads. I’m very interested in your opinion on the title. Therefore write in the comments, please. Is the “Wheel of Time” suitable for this doily?

By the way, pay attention to the personalized shuttle that I use. Do you want one for yourself? Check out my store, please:

You can also watch a video on my YouTube channel, welcome:

So, I will try to finish the pattern at the end of the week. Anyway, I will try! But after tat, I will need to draw a graphical diagram in a computer program, write instructions and mount a video tutorial. Yes, I plan to add a video to this manual. Do you think the video helps a lot? Or is it a waste of time? Oh, I’m talking about time again! Write your opinions in the comments.

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Announcement of winners

Announcement of winners contest for the best name of my new doily. Competition for masters and tatting fans. What is the name of my new doily?

Best name for tatting doily

Thanks so much to all the participants! You came up with a lot of great name options for my new doily.
Lot determined the winner! You can see the video report on my YouTube channel:

So, the winner is Joan Thomas! My doily got the name “Honeycomb”! Joan receives a FREE doily “Honeycomb” tutorial. And also Coupon Code 30% discount on all patterns in my store.
The first 10 participants receive a Coupon Code 30% discount on all patterns in my store.

  1. Michele ;
  2. Wally;
  3. Isabella;
  4. Dawn;
  5. Connie Lewis;
  6. Andrea Fruggiero;
  7. Michelle;
  8. Mary G Chandler;
  9. Sarah;
  10. Helga.

I really liked ALL the names! Of course, I could not ignore all the participants. Therefore, I give the Coupon Code 20% discount on all patterns in my store for other participants.
Your prizes will be sent to everyone by e-mail registered when participating in the competition. Check ALL folders, please. My message may go to the spam folder if you have not added me to your contact list.

So, the Announcement of winners has taken place. I thank all the participants and congratulate the winners!

Subscribe to my blog. Because you will find many interesting things.
Join me on social networks.

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Best name for tatting doily

Best name for tatting doily – this is the topic of today’s competition!

Hello everyone! I wrote on May 2 what I am doing in quarantine. A lot of entertainment, a few lessons and a little tatting, be sure! You saw how I started a new project.

Finally, I finished my new tatting doily. Do you like it? I used tight triple rings and wavy chains. And now I need to find a suitable name for this doily. Again, I decided to turn to you for help, my dear readers and subscribers! Who will come up with a better name? Let’s have a contest!

Best name for tatting doily
Best name for tatting doily

Conditions of the competition:

  1. Write your name for this doily in the comments.
  2. Share a link to my blog on social networks.


The winner will receive a FREE pattern for this doily.

The first 10 participants will receive a special coupon code with a 30% discount on patterns in my store.

The winner will be determined by a toss.

I will write the results of the competition in the next post, June 17th. Subscribe to my blog so as not to miss this event!

Visit my store, welcome:

You can also watch a video on my YouTube channel:

I hope you help me come up with an incredible name for my new doily! Good luck!

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Hiding end threads in tatting

Hiding end threads in tatting.

Oh, I already wrote before that I don’t like to hide the ends of threads. Does any of you love this? How terrible it is: to remove a lot of cut ends, worrying so that they do not come apart. Many tatters come up with how to make this process easier. Beginner tatters master the classical methods. In any case, it was so with me. Here you can watch my video, which shows in detail how I did it before.

I have studied many textbooks and videos on the Internet over ten years of my practice of tatting. Of course, there are many interesting and useful master classes for hiding end threads in tatting. But I did not find any material that combines the three methods of tatting: shuttle, needle and hook. My goal is to promote all kinds of tatting. Therefore I hope you will be interested in my experience!

So, a short review of today’s video. I like make large laced items, such as doily, tablecloths, collars, etc. In this case, I will have to “lengthen” the thread several times. And should try to make the snapping of the thread invisible and durable. After all, it is very important from an aesthetic and practical point of view! If I hide both cut ends in one ring or one chain, I get a thickening. (I don’t even consider the option with four threads at once!) Therefore, it is better to tie a new thread at the junction of two or more elements. Example in the photo.

Hiding end threads in tatting

You can modify and improve my experience, of course. I will be glad if you share in the comments your ways of hiding end threads in tatting. Welcome!

By the way, in conclusion, I want to say sorry-sorry-sorry-sorry! I forgot to activate the payment button for all countries. now this mistake is fixed. So I am extending the term of the action with a 10% discount on all my patterns. Now the PATTERNXMASDECOR coupon is valid until December 15th! Take advantage!

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips!

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Tatting split chain

Tatting, split chain, new video tutorial.
I already wrote that I really don’t like to hide threads in tat (and nobody likes, right? 🙂 Therefore, I try to do tatting without cutting the thread between the rows. In one of my past posts, I showed you how to go from row to row using an split ring.
Today’s post is very short. I don’t want to take your time to read, because you can better watch a video with wonderful music like Mozart! So today, my new video. This a tatting lesson on how to make a split chain. As usual, I show all three types of tatting: shuttle tatting , needle tatting and cro-tatting. Perhaps for needle tatters this video will be especially interesting. Because for a tatting needle, there are two methods to make a split chain. So, welcome to my YouTube channel:

Tatting. Split chain_Moment
Tatting. Split chain_Moment

Subscribe to my blog , who is interested in tatting in resin! Because several articles on this topic are waiting for readers of my blog very soon. I will share ALL the secrets that I know myself 🙂 And of course, I’m sure these articles will help you make transparent tatting in resin absolutely perfect!

And finally a little reminder: 10% discount on all patterns in my store until November 30. Coupon Code: PATTERNXMASDECOR
 I like reading your comments, thanks! Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips!

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Lace collars for the dress

Lace collars for the dress. Yes, as the name suggests, today I want to talk … about time! What is the relationship between time and collars? Ah, these are my associations! Perhaps you will agree with me. But read my post to the end, please! If you like it, subscribe and leave comments. Philosophical thoughts are welcome! 🙂

At first – about the collars. I found a very interesting and instructive article on this topic:

Collar (clothing)

In clothing, a collar is the part of a shirt, dress, coat or blouse that fastens around or frames the neck. Among clothing construction professionals, a collar is differentiated from other necklines such as revers and lapels, by being made from a separate piece of fabric, rather than a folded or cut part of the same piece of fabric used for the main body of the garment. A collar may be permanently attached to the main body of the garment (e.g. by stitching) or detachable.

You can read this Wikipedia article. Many different types of collars, many illustrations.

There are also lace collars. Ah, gentle, delicate handmade lace! Great lace collars were worn in the second quarter of the 17th century, and also a little later, in the Victorian era.

But everything in history repeats itself. In fashion history, too, of course! And at the beginning of the 21st century, we are pleased to wear what our ancestors liked so much! Including large lace collars for the dress.

Tatting lace collars for the dress
Tatting lace collars for the dress

How fleeting is the time! We are always in a hurry, afraid to be late. How expensive is every minute of our lives! I am mentally immersed in the atmosphere of antiquity when I create my lace collars. This is a “time travel” ritual. For me, anyway. And time stops! I forget about food and water when I immerse myself in the magical world of lace. I stop following the flow of time around me. 🙂 And then comes the wonderful moment of completion. Now the lace collar is ready to meet with the usual dress. This meeting always creates the perfect outfit!

So, take a few minutes of your time and watch a short video, please! I supplemented this slide show with the magnificent music of Mozart. Hope this creates a suitable atmosphere!

Reminder! 10% discount on all patterns in my store until November 30. Coupon Code: PATTERNXMASDECOR

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Tricks tatting (cluny)

I called my post today, “Tricks tatting (cluny).” Why? Read to the end, please, and you will understand me. 🙂

In a previous post, I talked about additional tools that help me in tatting.
Thanks for the questions and comments. So, at the request of my reader, I return to this topic (very little!)
You asked me to show how I use a piece of thin wire. This is an indispensable helper for weaving cluny (leaves). You can find many articles and photos about the process of working on cluny on the Internet. But best of all, watch the video of the talented master tatting master Karen Cabrera. You will recognize her by long nails and a dazzling smile 🙂

Pay attention to a piece of thin wire. This is exactly the tatting trick that I spoke about before.

For needle tatters, a link to a video about cluny. The author of this lesson is Geogria Seitz.

And now it’s time to explain why I called this post: Tricks tatting (cluny).

Do you know that this technique is used in bobbin lace? I do not presume to say where this method originated earlier. An important fact is that all types of needlework are interconnected and complementary. Is not it?

I was struck by the extraordinary beauty of Elisa du Sud’s creations , in which cluny were used many, many, many times!

Of course, I was so inspired that I could not resist! These are my little tatting pieces ( based on Elisa du Sud’s patterns).

tatting, cluny

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips!

Welcome to my YouTube channel:

And of course, do not forget to visit my store, welcome!

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Front and back side tatting

Does front and back side tatting? Oh yes of course! Are you surprised? Often novice tatters do not pay attention to this nuance. However, following this rule will help you make your lace more neat and presentable. Want to test yourself? Look carefully at these photos. Which of these earrings do you think is right? You can write your option in the comments, please!

The correct earrings in photo 1 and 4. Let’s see what is wrong with earrings 2 and 3? All rings in earrings 2 and 3 are made wrong, unfortunately. Therefore, picots at the rings in these cases look messy. Compare lilac earrings with red earrings. The difference is obvious! Do you agree?

I do not get tired of repeating this rule to my students, and I always write this reminder in the instructions for my patterns:

When making the double stitches on the back side, make the second half of the second stitch fixture and the first half of the double stitch next

So, if you are not yet using this rule in your tatting, try it! I am sure you will like the new look of your lace. Such work requires more focus and attention, of course. But it’s worth it. Because the front and back side of your tatting will turn out perfect! But again, each tatter chooses a method that he likes best.

I want to draw your attention to the following fact. I did not come up with this method, of course. This method has existed for a long time. Not everyone pays attention to the differences as a result of the first and second method.
This is an excerpt from Book 6 “Tatting Talk: A Self-Improvement Guide for Tatters” Needle Tatting Basics Part 2 by Georgia Seitz revised 6-21-98:
Remember, if you prefer the all right side up look, just do the half stitches in reverse order.
And, of course, I suggest visiting the blog from Frivole: The article is very interesting and reveals deeper terminology (I did not try to make my post so professional).

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips! And of course, do not forget to visit my store, welcome!

And welcome to my YouTube channel:

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Special for needle tatters!

Special for needle tatters today I write continue of the previous post.

Last time I drew for you a pattern of simple, but graceful tatting earrings. And then you read the detailed instructions on how to do this (did you really read? I hop! ). But the last time we were carried away by the shuttle tatting only. So today I’m trying to fix this shortcoming.
So, special for the tatter needle!

I will not repeat the graphic pattern and the first version of weaving. Because the needle and shuttle methods in this case are nearly identical. But note that you need beginning tat from the back side. When making the double stitches on the back side, make the second half of the second stitch fixture and the first half of the double stitch next.

So let’s look at the second option right away.


R – ring; SR – split Ring; C – chain; p – picot; jp – join picot; tw – turn the work; numbers indicate the number of double stitches.

Beginning work – green circle. (We beginning tat from the back side, do you remember?) 1. R: 2, p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2, tw; 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. C: 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2, tw; 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13. R: 2 , p , 2 , p , 2, jp to previous Ring (according to the diagram), 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2, tw; 15. R: 2 , p , 2 , p , 2, jp to previous Ring (according to the diagram), 2 , p , 2 , jp to R1 (according to the diagram), 2, p , 2 , p , 2 .  Do NOT CUT thread.

16. SR:  [ Tat of the ball thread: 2, p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 ], here we turn the work ( photo 1) and un-thread the needle, [tat next 8 double stitches using the needle thread, that was just un-threaded, passing the double stitches over the eye end of the needle ( photo 2 and 3): 2, p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 ], re-thread the needle (photo 4), and close the ring as usual (photo 5);

17. C: 2, p, 2, p, 2, p, 2, small picot for earrings hook, 2, p , 2, p, 2, p, 2; 18. R: 2, p, 2, p, 2, p , 2, ( joining to Element 1 according to the diagram), 2, p, 2, p, 2, p, 2, tie and cut.

Attach the hook for the earring. We make the second earring in the same way. And your earrings special for needle tatters ready!

Attention! SALE!

You can use the coupon code OFF10HAPPYPATTERN and guaranteed to get a 10% discount on the purchase of patterns in my store:

Now you can use this way for tat doily “Diana”. The pattern is here, please:

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips!

You can see three tatting methods on my YouTube channel:

And of course, welcome to my store :

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Free tatting pattern earrings

Attention! SALE!

You can use the coupon code OFF10HAPPYPATTERN and guaranteed to get a 10% discount on the purchase of patterns in my store:

Very easy free tatting pattern earrings for tatters! Want to make these earrings yourself? These lace earrings are very simple but spectacular. So for you master class .

tatting pattern earrings, free pattern, tutorial, master class

I offer two ways of tatting, choose what you personally like!


R – ring; SR – split Ring; C – chain; p – picot; jp – join picot; 1S – shuttle; TS – shuttle and bow ( or two shuttles for way 2); tw – turn the work; numbers indicate the number of double stitches.

The first way:

This is very simple, for beginners tatters. Therefore, you should be able only to Ring and Chain. You will need cotton threads №10, one shuttle, scissors, crochet hook and two earrings hooks.

Take the shuttle, wind the thread on the shuttle ( 2 – 2,5 m ), do not cut the thread.

We do it according to the scheme. The scheme consists of two elements: A ( pink color on the diagram) and B (brown color on the diagram).

Element A:

Beginning element – green circle. 1S – 1. R: 2, p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2, tw; TS – 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. C: 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2, tw; 1S – 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13. R: 2 , p , 2 , p , 2, jp to previous Ring (according to the diagram), 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2, t 1S – 15. R: 2 , p , 2 , p , 2, jp to previous Ring (according to the diagram), 2 , p , 2 , jp to R1 (according to the diagram), 2, p , 2 , p , 2 . Tie and cut.

Element B:

Beginning element – blue circle.

1S – 1. R: 2, p, 2, p, 2, p , 2 ( joining with hook to Element 1 according to the diagram) , 2, p, 2, p, 2, p, 2, tw; TS – 2. C: 2, p, 2, p, 2, p, 2, attach to earrings hook, 2, p , 2, p, 2, p, 2, tw; 1S – 3. R: 2, p, 2, p, 2, p , 2, ( joining with hook to Element 1 according to the diagram), 2, p, 2, p, 2, p, 2, tie and cut.

Second Earring tatted similarly.

The second way:

The second way is more complicated. Therefore, you should be able to Ring, Chain and Split Ring. You will need cotton threads №10, two shuttles, scissors, crochet hook and two earrings hooks.

Take two shuttles, wind the thread on the shuttle ( about 4 m), do not cut the thread between shuttles.

Rings and Chains 1 – 15 are done similarly to Method 1, but after Ring 15 DO NOT CUT the thread!

TS – 16. SR: [ 2, p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 ], [ 2, p , 2 , p , 2 , p , 2 ], tw; TS – 17. C: 2, p, 2, p, 2, p, 2, attach to earrings hook, 2, p , 2, p, 2, p, 2, tw; 1S – 18. R: 2, p, 2, p, 2, p , 2, ( joining with hook to Element 1 according to the diagram), 2, p, 2, p, 2, p, 2, tie and cut.

Congratulations! Your earrings ready!

In the next article I will describe in detail how to make these earrings with a tatting needle using method 2. If you are interested, subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips!

You can see three tatting methods on my YouTube channel:

And of course, welcome to my store :