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Why you need Tatting Split Ring

Why do you need Tatting Split Ring, or how laziness becomes the engine of progress.

Hello everyone! Sometimes I hear bewildered questions from beginner tatters: why should I learn Split Ring? It’s complicated, troublesome and not useful to me. I can list several reasons why you need this. So, first, the Split Ring is cool! Secondly, you can make the Ring two-tone. Thirdly, a lot of modern tatting patterns often use this method (for example, my Celtic bracelets).

Split Ring

Little trick with Split Ring

But the most important thing for me is the ability not to cut the threads between the rows using the Split Ring. I have already said many times how much I sooooo hate to hide the threads after the end of the work. So, I guess I’m a classic lazybones! Because I’m trying to come up with a new way to “make my life easier.” This is how new useful devices are born. I am deeply convinced that the remote control was invented by a classic lazy person. Just him did not want to get up from a warm chair to change TV channels! Haha, I’d be a millionaire if I came up with something like that!

I don’t even know which tatting master first came up with the idea of using the Split Ring to move to the next row. Alas, not all patterns can use this trick. But that would be perfect, mind you. Because I don’t need to cut and hide the threads in the middle of the work several times. As a result, I hide only two (or sometimes even one) threads at the end of the work ALWAYS! But so far this is unrealistic.

In the end, I liked this trick so much that I decided to create a doily pattern, where all 5 rows are weaved without breaking the thread. This is doily Azure Sky.

Why you need Tatting Split Ring

So, in conclusion of the post, I want to offer you a video. You will see how to use the split ring to move to the next row of a round napkin without cutting the thread. Please support my blog and my YouTube channel with likes, subscriptions and comments! Thanks!

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Split ring again

Split ring again, or how to embrace the immensity.

Hello, everyone! I was very pleasantly surprised by the popularity of my post and video on the topic How to make a split ring. Thank you all for your comments, kind words and questions. Therefore, your support helps keep my blog useful and interesting, I hope!

You may ask why there are so many different ways of weaving a split ring. Of course, all the time we can weave patterns only a ring and a chain in different combinations. I do not want to offend anyone, in any case. Of course, there is a special charm and appeal in simple patterns. But what about the desire for development and improvement? Don’t be afraid to learn and master new techniques. Perhaps you are not planning to make special lace right now. But the more techniques you master, the wider your range of possibilities will be. Therefore, you will be able to perform work of any complexity.

So what’s in my second split ring video. Hope you find it interesting!

1. Two shuttles for ring

First, you will see how to make a split ring with two shuttles and threads in two different colors. And I could not deny myself the pleasure of showing once again how I hide the threads at the beginning of work. Oh yes, I hate thread tails! In addition, you can swap the threads of the first and second shuttles. In this case, you will end up with a colored “snake”.

2. One shuttle

Then I decided to show Dora Young’s absolutely unique method for one shuttle. I really liked this method. Because the application of a split chain for the second half of a split ring is very interesting! Many thanks to the talented tatting master Muskaan. She told me where I can get acquainted with this method.

3. Shuttle and ball

The next method I call “false split ring”. Oh, just don’t throw stones at me! Ha ha! Perhaps I am far from the first master who applies this method. But maybe there is a special term in English for this method. It’s very easy! You will be surprised. I used arcs instead of rings, that’s all! You just need extra paper clips.

Split ring again
Split ring again

4. Tatting needle

And at the end of the video, you will see another way for tatting needles. In the comments on FB, I was asked to show how to make a two-color split ring with a needle. I am always happy to help! By the way, pay attention to this nuance: You can get identical rings or mirrored ones. It depends on whether you are making a knot when closing a ring or not.

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Like my video, comment and subscribe, please! Thanks!

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Tatting little tricks

You already know that I like to use different little tricks for tatting. And today is another tatting little trick for you, my dear readers!

Nobody likes to hide threads after weaving. Is not it? I also do not like! Therefore, I try to leave as few trimmed threads as possible. For example, I made this doily WITHOUT CUTTING THREADS completely. In this case, I used split rings and split chains.

Do you think this is difficult? Not at all! Start by connecting the first and second rows of any doily. Often, patterns begin with one ring. For example, like here:

This is a fragment of the tatting pattern of the Japanese master Yusai Shokoin.

First, try not to cut the thread after the first row, use a split ring. And you can watch this process on my YouTube channel. By tradition, I am doing a video lesson for three types of tatting: tatting shuttle, tatting needle and cro-tatting.
Maybe, you may not using split ring very well. In this case, a detailed video tutorial on this topic will come in handy, I think!

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips!

A variety tatting patterns you can buy in my store. Welcome!