How to find the beginning of work in graphical diagram, or continue learning how to read a tatting pattern.
Hello everyone! This is the fourteenth lesson in the series “Perfect Tatting”. You can read the previous part here:
My articles are also accompanied by video tutorials. Along with the article, I add them to my YouTube channel.
Please write in the comments what subtleties you would like to learn. Then it will be easier for me to make a lessons plan.
You can also read the article (and download the pattern for free) on the topic How to read tatting patterns, where I talk about different options for instructions for tatting patterns.
But today I would like to show you a graphic diagram and tell you about a little trick. I am sure it will be especially useful and interesting for beginners.
Often beginners ask the question: where to find the beginning of the work on the graphic diagram?
You will be surprised, but you can start anywhere! Although usually designers indicate where the beginning of the work is. For example, I put a small red circle on the drawing to indicate the start.
Option 1 beginning of work in graphical diagram

Most often we start working with the Ring. Look at this pattern. We start working with the first of three rings in the trefoil. In the video, you can see that I used one shuttle and a ball. Therefore, I had to make one simple knot in places where it was necessary to swap the shuttle and ball threads. The link to the video is at the end of the article.

And so we make 6 identical elements: trefoil, chain, ring, chain. We attach each first ring to the third ring of the previous trefoil. And we attach the seventh trefoil to the previous and first trefoil. What do we get? We already have a closed motif. But we need to complete the seventh time Chain – Ring – Chain. And since my motto is “nothing is impossible”, I showed on video how it works. This is the motif I got.
Option 2 beginning of work in graphical diagram

But let’s change the picture just a little bit. Look, I moved the beginning of the work, and now our pattern starts with the combination Chain – Ring – Chain. You will see in the video, I used a paper clip to start. But you can take a short thick thread, for example.

Oh, how I love this way of finishing the work! I attached the last chain to the first one, removing the paper clip. And I just have to make the last trefoil. Believe me, this option is much more convenient. Voila, it’s done!
By the way, this pattern can be made with a needle too. And use this option to start the work. I’m sure you’ll like it!

You can watch the video here:
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!