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How to choose tools for tatting

How to choose tools for tatting? An important question, isn’t it? But first ask yourself what type of tatting you want to do. Choose shuttle tatting , needle tatting or cro-tatting. I wrote here details about the three types of tatting : Now let’s talk in detail about each instrument.

If you chose to shuttle, buy 2 pieces to get you started. At first this will be enough for you. Which shuttle is better to choose? I do not know! Each tatters decides for herself what she likes best. But I will share my experience of weaving with different shuttles.

1.Tatting Shuttle

Tatting Shuttle with hook and bobbin is very attractive. They combine a hook and a shuttle. It’s comfortable. Because it takes less time to connect the elements. And you can easily thread wound on the bobbin. But the plastic bobbin break very soon and stop being fixed in the shuttle. The thread unwound and you need to fix the thread with your fingers when tying knots. And hook can break off, alas.

The most popular are plastic shuttles “with spout”. These are my favorite shuttles. They come in different sizes, different colors, different quality of plastic … The choice is diverse! But you must use a crochet hook if you want to achieve a very close connection between the elements. Because the “spout” can stretch a small picot.

Also it is good to use classic shuttles, but with the crochet hook too.

Wooden tatting shuttles. I have cherry wood and golden oak. Very beautiful, light, comfortable. You can buy shuttles from any tree, even exotic ones. Wooden shuttles are more expensive than plastic shuttles, of course. But they are worth it, believe me!

I do not recommend using metal shuttles. They are heavy, the hook is uncomfortable. Very quickly, the latch on the case broke. Not subject to repair. I had to throw it away. Maybe I’m just out of luck?

2. Tatting needle.

If you have chosen the type of tatting with a needle, pay attention to two attributes. First, the needle should not thicken at the end. This will help to make the weave more dense, not stretch the knots. Secondly, the needle should not be sharp so as not to puncture or scratch your fingers.

And in some cases you will have to use a crochet hook to make the perfect connection of the elements. I have never tried wooden needles. But I’ll think about buying them, maybe. And then I will share with you my experience.

3. Cro-tatting.

Tatting hooks are special. Do not try to use ordinary hooks for crocheting. Take a closer look, see the difference?

In my opinion, the most convenient hooks for tatting are Takashimabari hooks.

I hope this post will make it easier for you to choose tools for tatting! Next time I will talk about additional tools that I use when weaving.
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4 thoughts on “How to choose tools for tatting

  1. Я плету и иглой и челноком. Челноки люблю с крючком такие как Moonlit. Иглы предпочитаю более тонкие, #7 самый ходовой размер. Но плела и более тонкими бисерными иглами.
    Чем именно плести? Каждый выбирает сам. Иглой плести быстрее и движения проше. Но челнок универсальные, в плане размера нити и изделия сделанные челноком более плотные.

    1. Спасибо, Наталья, я согласна с Вами! Каждый вид фриволите имеет свои достоинства. И каждый мастер выбирает сам то, к чему лежит душа. Попробуйте ещё фриволите крючком, уверена, Вам понравится!

  2. You can make your own wooden needles using DPN knitting needles with a hole drilled in one end. I have one A friend gifted me and it does work with yarn.
    Linda 🙂

    1. Thank you Linda! This is a very interesting idea!

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