What to do at home. Or what kinds of handicrafts can you do?

Hello everyone!
I haven’t written an article on my blog for a long time. Some bloggers try to do this every day! But I will not bore you with my constant “presence”! Moreover, I have so little time to create content, alas.
First of all, I create tatting patterns. And I really love doing projects of other tatting masters. I like intricate and original patterns.
Secondly, I love sewing. I sew clothes for my family. This is one of my works.

These are dresses and denim bags for my daughter-in-law and eldest granddaughter.
Thirdly, I love to sew quilts with embroidery. And I make blocks in the hoop on an embroidery computer. This is an exciting activity! Because I like coming up with designs and creating compositions.

Do you like my big embroidered patchwork quilt?

This photo clearly shows the embroidered elements.
I also like to do macrame, knitting, crocheting, luma weaving, kumihimo. I have not forgotten anything? Also string-art.

But I do my drawings without nails. I do this on recycle DVD discs.
Oh, what a mess it is in my workshop when I sew or embroider.

Let’s call this a creative mess. Ha ha!
But in any case, I always keep one special place in my workshop in order. This is my “tatting corner”.

I pamper my back with this soft sofa.
This is my new doily from the Summer Mood collection. As usual, I need some time to describe and draw this in a computer program. But I will try to do it soon. Until then, you can check my patterns. Perhaps you will find a fairly interesting pattern for yourself. https://fairylace.kozinenko.com/product-category/patterns-tutorials/patterns-and-tutorials/

Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog. And also join me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/kozinenkoelena
Write in the comments what types of needlework you are doing. Perhaps you are not limited to just tatting. Because now the question is especially acute: What to do at home. 😀