Tatting curl. How to make curl in beginning work.
Hello everyone! I recently made a new pattern for tatting earrings ” Valentine “. By the way, now you can buy any pattern at a discount 10%. Use coupon code: OFF10HAPPYPATTERN

I used curl in these earrings. After posting to the FB, you asked me how to do this.
So I decided to tell you more about how I make curls. There are several subtleties. Take my advice. And then your curls will look perfect!
First trick
You must try to ensure that all nodes are strong enough. Do you know that you can determine the nature of a person by nodes? Yes, psychologists know many tricks to analyze us! If your nodes are very strong, you have a solid and even somewhat tough character. If you make free knots, then most likely your character is soft and calm. Please write in the comments if your nodes match your character! It is very interesting. Because my nodes even depend on my mood, yes! Oh, I’m a little distracted! So, tatting curl. What you need for a perfect curl. Firstly, try to make your nature very solid at this moment đŸ™‚ The stronger the knots you tie, the better it a curl will hold the form.
Second trick
We start tat with a chain sometimes. Of course, it depends on the pattern. In this case, it is convenient to use a paper clip. But for curl, this does not work absolutely. Because you get a weak knot at the beginning of the curl after disconnecting the paper clip. What to do? I take a small piece of thread. How it works, check out my video. This my video shows three methods of tatting, as usual: tatting with a shuttle, tatting with a needle and cro-tatting. You can easily and simply make a curl at the beginning of weaving. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0zrZP-a6dQ
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