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Best name for tatting doily

Best name for tatting doily – this is the topic of today’s competition!

Hello everyone! I wrote on May 2 what I am doing in quarantine. A lot of entertainment, a few lessons and a little tatting, be sure! You saw how I started a new project.

Finally, I finished my new tatting doily. Do you like it? I used tight triple rings and wavy chains. And now I need to find a suitable name for this doily. Again, I decided to turn to you for help, my dear readers and subscribers! Who will come up with a better name? Let’s have a contest!

Best name for tatting doily
Best name for tatting doily

Conditions of the competition:

  1. Write your name for this doily in the comments.
  2. Share a link to my blog on social networks.


The winner will receive a FREE pattern for this doily.

The first 10 participants will receive a special coupon code with a 30% discount on patterns in my store.

The winner will be determined by a toss.

I will write the results of the competition in the next post, June 17th. Subscribe to my blog so as not to miss this event!

Visit my store, welcome:

You can also watch a video on my YouTube channel:

I hope you help me come up with an incredible name for my new doily! Good luck!