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Best name for tatting doily

Best name for tatting doily – this is the topic of today’s competition!

Hello everyone! I wrote on May 2 what I am doing in quarantine. A lot of entertainment, a few lessons and a little tatting, be sure! You saw how I started a new project.

Finally, I finished my new tatting doily. Do you like it? I used tight triple rings and wavy chains. And now I need to find a suitable name for this doily. Again, I decided to turn to you for help, my dear readers and subscribers! Who will come up with a better name? Let’s have a contest!

Best name for tatting doily
Best name for tatting doily

Conditions of the competition:

  1. Write your name for this doily in the comments.
  2. Share a link to my blog on social networks.


The winner will receive a FREE pattern for this doily.

The first 10 participants will receive a special coupon code with a 30% discount on patterns in my store.

The winner will be determined by a toss.

I will write the results of the competition in the next post, June 17th. Subscribe to my blog so as not to miss this event!

Visit my store, welcome:

You can also watch a video on my YouTube channel:

I hope you help me come up with an incredible name for my new doily! Good luck!

114 thoughts on “Best name for tatting doily

  1. Ring of stars

    1. Thank You, Hellen!

  2. I know this has been said before but Kaleidoscope. I picture this in variegated thread for the rounds and black or charcoal for the chains.

    1. Thank You, Diane! This is a very interesting color option.

  3. Wheel of Time

    1. Thank You, Zoe! This is a very figurative and philosophical name!

  4. Diamond in the raw

    1. Thank You, Sue!

  5. Garden Path

    1. Yes, three options will participate in the draw, of course!

  6. Flower garden

    1. Stepping Stones

      1. Both options will participate in the draw, of course!

    2. Both options will participate in the draw, of course!

  7. Stepping Stones, flower garden,

    1. Thank You, Rebecca, for beautiful names!

  8. Rocky Doily

    1. Thank You, Birgit! It sounds very thoroughly.

  9. ‘BOUQUET’

    1. Thank You, Elaine! I inhale the fragrant smell of this name!

  10. Snow Fairy

    1. Thank You, Sandra! This is in tune with the name of my brand – FairyLace!

  11. Loopy Loo

    1. Thank You, Grace, for the nice name!

  12. Fairy Circle or Fairy Wheel. Beautiful!

    1. Thank You, Jenny! It sounds fabulously true.

  13. Galaxy Star

    1. Thank You, Sharon! It sounds so cosmic!

  14. Looks like bees and honeycomb … so Going with that

    Sharing to Facebook.. please keep updated if you sell the pattern

    1. Thanks for the nice name, LaDonna! Yes, I will sell this pattern, of course. Stay tuned for updates on my blog, please.

  15. Ride the Waves

    1. Thank You, Nieto! That sounds a lot of fun!

    1. Thank You, Bernice! This is very creative!

  16. Scattered Snow Flurries. It is very pretty!

    1. Thank You, Cheryl! It sounds very wintery!

  17. Io lo chiamerei “il tempo antico”

    1. Thank You, Simo! That sounds very mysterious. And I like to listen to the Italian language, it is very melodious.

  18. Ring Around the Rosie

    1. Thank You, Natalie! Very beautiful name!

  19. La Rosa dei Venti

    1. Thank You, Paola! In Italian it sounds like a song!

  20. Spring Snow

    1. Thank You, Paula! This name is so relevant this year!

  21. Swirling Clovers…

    1. Thank You, Linda!Yes, that sounds very expressive!

  22. Queen Anne’s Lace

    1. Thank You, Julie! It is so proud and magnificent!

  23. Water lily Doily!- especially if it were to be tatted in dark greens and deep pink.

    1. Thank You, Maureen!Yes, you can use this color combination. It will look very impressive!

  24. stardust

    1. Thank You, Rosmarie! That sounds very romantic.

  25. Star light, it’s a beautiful pattern

    1. Thank You, Margaret, for the beautiful name and praise for my pattern!

  26. Peaceful Petals —it reminds me of delicate flower petals

    1. Thank You, Judy! Peaceful – this is so important in our time!

  27. Stars of Clover…
    Sorry no website

    1. Thank You, Sue! It sounds beautiful. Do not worry. You do not have to have a website to participate in the competition. I usually email prizes.

  28. Looks l8ke our solar system….so Sol and Friends?

    1. Thank You, Saskia! That sounds fantastic!

  29. Starflower

    1. Thank You again, Page! This is a beautiful name too.

  30. Bloomin’ Onion

    1. Thank You, Page! Very original!

  31. Crop Circles in the Snow

    1. Thank You, Sandra! Very original!


    1. Thank You so much, Frances! It sounds very cosmic!

  33. Hearts

    1. Thank You Rodaina! It sounds very hearty! 🙂

  34. Circle of life

    1. Thank You, Karen! It sounds philosophical!

  35. SandDollars

    1. Thank You for the beautiful name!

  36. Dancing Spiderwebs

    1. Thank You, Lisa! It is very creative!

  37. nice flower wreath

    1. Thank You, Maria! Yes, it doesn’t seem like a flower wreath!

  38. I see snowflakes, so my name would be:

    Snowflake Delight

    1. Thank You, Nanja! Yes, it looks like snowflakes.

  39. Queen Me among the poinsettia

    1. Thank You, Annalisa! Wow! This is awesome!

  40. I think it could be called “Kolidescope”

    1. Thank You, Leonie! It really looks a lot like a kaleidoscope!

  41. Snowflake Crystal Doily

    1. Thank You, Kristen! It sounds very fresh!

  42. Medusa

    1. Thank You, Carla! It’s great!

  43. I would call this Filigree Charm..

    1. Thank You, Sandra! Oh, that sounds very stylish!

  44. The first name that came up was Onion Clover Star Doily or OCS doily.
    Greetings CreaHelga

    1. Thank You, Helga! Absolutely unusual sound!

  45. Kaleidoscope in White
    It makes me think of one of my favorite childhood toys! Thanks for sharing. I like it very much-it makes me smile

    1. Thank You, Sarah! Yes, I also remember a kaleidoscope and my childhood!

  46. Captured Stars

    1. Thank You, Mary! That sounds amazing.

  47. I shared your blog link on the Dogwood Lace guilds Facebook site 🙂

    I would call it Honeycomb…that’s what it reminds me of.

    1. Thank You so much, Joan, for sharing in the group! And yes, it is very similar to a honeycomb.

  48. Dream catcher!

    1. Thank You, Michelle! Yes, that sounds beautiful!

      1. Витраж.🤔
        Каледоскоп увы уже предложили)))

        1. Спасибо, Наталья! Витраж – звучит очень элегантно!

  49. Competition: Star Bursts.

    1. Thank You, Andrea! It is very creative!

  50. Rose window

    1. Thank You, Connie! It’s so cute.

  51. Shimmering Star Doily

    It is beautiful

    1. Thank You, Dawn! This is a very romantic name.

  52. Spider Web

    1. Thank You, Isabella! Sounds mysterious.

  53. It’s gorgeous! It remains me of a
    clover looked through a Kaleidoscope. So, Clover Kaleidoscope would be my suggestion.

    1. Thank You, Wally! I loved to watch patterns in a kaleidoscope when I was a child.

  54. Waves and sand dollars

    1. Thank You, Michele! Very interesting name.

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