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Tips for beginner needle tatters. Part 1.

Tips for beginner needle tatters. Part 1, or simple and clear rule for when and how to reverse the work.

Hello everyone! The most frequently asked questions beginners:

  • to do or not to make a knot after a ring or chain?
  • how can I know whether to reverse or not reverse the work?
  • how can I find out the front and back side of the work?
  • why do my chains get twisted?

And of course, there are many other points that I will try to talk about in my blog. To achieve this, I plan to write several posts and make additional videos specifically for needle tatters. So subscribe to my YouTube channel and my blog to stay updated.
So today we will answer the first two questions.

To do or not to make a knot

Unlike the shuttle, tatting with a needle is not as tight. Therefore, after completing each ring or chain, the needle tatters make a knot that helps “keep the shape” of this element. In the post “Magic Simple Knot” I wrote about ball and shuttle threads (in this case it is more logical to call them ball and needle threads). The names may differ in different languages, but the meaning is the same. And in this post I call a simple knot a magic one because it helps us “solve a lot of problems”!

So, we have decided. The answer to the first question is yes, you need to make a knot!

Reverse or not reverse

Typically, in the instructions for the pattern, designers write, RW or DNRW. Although I only write where I need to turn the work around. It is logical that if nothing is written, then there is no need to do anything. Do you agree? But if you only have a graphical diagram, you will have to decide for yourself where and how to flip, rotate, or expand the work. An impossible task, isn’t it? But we will return to this topic, I promise!

So, you know, the ball thread should ALWAYS be located to the left of the work. But this is only if you are right-handed. For “lefties” it’s the other way around!

If you make one simple knot, you will swap the ball and working threads. And thus the ball of thread will move to the right of the work. Therefore, the work needs to be turned over and each thread will take its place. And if you make two knots, the threads will remain in the same position and there is no need to turn the work over.

Tips for beginner needle tatters. Part 1.

So, the golden rule: one knot – turn, two knots – no turn! I find this very easy to remember.

To make it clearer, please watch my video, please.

And if you are interested in the topic “Tips for beginner needle tatters”, write me your questions in the comments. I will try to answer them in the following articles.

8 thoughts on “Tips for beginner needle tatters. Part 1.

  1. Я плету човниками і в мене є теж ця проблема зі скручуванням дуг. Виправляю прасуванням, але буду вдячна за пораду, як цього уникнути при плетінні)

    1. Ірино, навіть не уявляю, як автоматичний перекладач переклав цю статтю. Бо в мене ані слова нема про скручування дуг. Я писала про те, коли перевертати роботу. А скручування дуг можна уникнути, “розкручуючи” човника з ниткою.

      1. Очевидно, так, перекладач чудить))). Спасибі за відповідь). Процвітання вашому блогу. Дуже корисні поради😊

        1. Дякую Вам, Ірино, за підтримку! Такі коментарі дуже надихають!

  2. This is very helpful. I’ve been shuttle tatting for a long time. Now I’m going to try needle tatting too. Thanks!

    1. Thanks so much for the comment, Pam! You’ll love needle tatting, I’m sure! These two methods do not exclude, but only complement each other!

  3. Oh my goodness! I woke up this morning with one goal in mind: figure out how to reverse the work correctly! One cup of coffee later and problem solved! I had no idea it was so simple!

    1. Thank You very much for the kibd words, Kim! I was sure you would like it! It’s really very simple!

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