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How to make a triple picot

How to make a triple picot, or Romantic Geometry.

Hello, everyone! I recently started a new project – creating a collection of small squares. Of course, everyone knows that a square is a geometric figure. And tatting lace, it seems to me, is a very delicate and romantic art. So I decided to name my collection Romantic Geometry.

Geometry (from the Ancient Greek: γεωμετρία; geo- “earth”, – metron “measurement”) is, with arithmetic, one of the oldest branches of mathematics. It is concerned with properties of space that are related with distance, shape, size, and relative position of figures.

Originally developed to model the physical world, geometry has applications in almost all sciences, and also in art, architecture, and other activities that are related to graphics. Of course, I could not help but use a beautiful geometric shape – a square. In addition, you can assemble a large doily of any size from small squares. To do this, you just need to attach the squares to each other. By the way, from several squares you can make a rectangle too, try it. I’m sure you will like it!

In two new patterns, I use a triple picot. So, You can watch a detailed video tutorial on my channel on how to make a triple picot, welcome:

And, of course, six patterns with detailed instructions and graphical diagrams are already available in my store. Welcome!

I am always glad to receive your comments and new subscribers. This means I’m not blogging for nothing. Your support is very inspiring to me. Thank you!

Posted on 12 Comments

How to stiffen tatting lace

How to stiffen tatting lace

How to stiffen tatting lace, everything I found on the internet and my personal experience. But I would sooooo much like to see your comments on my posts. Trust me, feedback is very important. After all, this is the only way I can understand how interesting my articles are. I am very interested to know if my experience was helpful to someone. So subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips!

 Hello everyone! Thank you, dear friends, for new subscriptions. Your support helps me improve my blog and store!

Please be patient. Because the article will be too long. But I added pictures for fun! So, let’s begin! As beautiful as the pattern is, the finished tatting product almost always needs to be fixed. I mean giving stiffness and stability to the lace. All tatters know if the lace is not fixed, it looks sloppy. But we should always strive for excellence. Do you agree?

Apart from my own experience, I have found many articles on the Internet on this topic. There are many solutions. Among which are absolutely unexpected, ha ha! It turns out that you can make the lace stiffer: sugar syrup, starch, hairspray, nail polish, PVA glue, varnish for resin, embroidery fixing agent, and even candle wax. I’ve seen a few more experiments. But they did not interest me. So let’s talk a little more about each method.

Sugar syrup for to stiffen tatting lace

I don’t like using sugar syrup. It’s hot and uncomfortable. In addition, sugar lures pests who will eat delicious lace with pleasure!

Starch for to stiffen tatting lace

You can use the powdered kind that is dissolved in water. You will have to get the object totally wet with the starch and then pressed with a hot iron.

Or you can use the pressurized starch sprays that are available in the laundry section. There is a drawback to this method though. It isn’t recommended to use starch for white objects as it will yellow over time.

Hairspray for to stiffen tatting lace

It is interesting to experiment with hairspray. I have tried spraying a strong hold polish on the earrings. But after a few days the varnish peeled off. Therefore, the earrings lost their rigidity and shine, alas. But this method works well with pieces for greeting cards or framed pieces. Moreover, you can use glitter polish. This is what you need for Christmas!

Nail polish for to stiffen tatting lace

I have not tried using clear nail polish. But maybe you tried it? Then share your experience with us in the comments, please.

PVA glue for to stiffen tatting lace

is great for doilies and center pieces. Mix the glue with water. The proportions may vary. If you use a lot of glue, the solution will be too thick. You may be disappointed with the thin film on the back of the product. So the glue is absolutely not suitable for colored threads, only for light ones (white, ivory, etc.). And I think you should not use glue for the products to wear. These are collars, chokers, jewelry, clothing. So I don’t really like this method. And don’t forget! Do not iron! It will darken if you stroke it.

Varnish for resin

I did an experiment with varnish for resin. But the result did not make me very happy. Because I got insufficient rigidity of the earrings. you can also notice traces of dried varnish on the leaf on the right. I think that in this case it is better to use the tatting in resin method. I wrote about this in detail in my previous posts.

Spray for securing embroidery

I don’t use this for tatting. In my opinion, these funds are too expensive. And sooooo expensive for big projects. And also scares me DANGER: Extremely flammable. Fumes are harmful. Content under pressure. Keep out of reach of children.

Embroidery stabilizer solution

This is my favorite way. Read more about this in my article here:

This is how I dispose of the remains of the embroidery stabilizers. I also like that these materials are harmless and environmentally friendly.

Candle wax for to stiffen tatting lace

This is a completely unexpected way for me! I was very surprised. Read more about this on the JEDDAH MOM blog. But come back to me at once! My story is not over. We continue!

How to soak the finished product for to stiffen tatting lace

I have seen many videos showing the complete immersion of a small piece of tatting into a container of solution. Perhaps this works for small items. Provided that there are no long picots in the lace. Ha! Have you tried this trick on a large item? I tried it once. Now you can cry with me. For I have hopelessly ruined my long work on the bag. The lace should NOT be deformed during the application of the solution.

Therefore, I do not put tatting into the solution. On the contrary, I put the tatting on a flat surface and saturate with the solution. Of course, it is convenient to use a brush for small items.

It is very convenient to work with a spray. But in this case, some of the solution will not get on the product. And be sure to blot the wet product with a towel to remove excess solution.

I use a simple and “reliable” product – a cotton ball. With this ball, I can spread the picot out during the soaking process. I often don’t even need to use needles.

Where to place tatting lace for stiffen

It all depends on the size of the finished product. For example, earrings, snowflakes, bells can be placed on a table or windowsill. In any case, find a place where they will not interfere with you while drying. There are two important points. Try to keep out the sun and dust! To do this, cover the damp item with a plastic container and a towel. I do this for tatting in resin too.

But I have to place very large projects on the floor. When I was finishing the borders for the table linen set, my family was uncomfortable for a while. By the way, do not forget to lay polyethylene or oilcloth under your product BEFORE applying the solution.

And one more important question. Do you use needles for fixation? I don’t have a definite answer here. Because it all depends on the pattern. Of course, you cannot do without needles if there are long picots in the pattern. Or in cases where you need to achieve the perfect shape. For example, for a box.

Thanks for reading my opus! Perhaps I didn’t remember everything. You probably know other methods like to stiffen tatting lace. Then write about it in the comments, please. Your experience is very valuable!

Reminder! 10% discount for you is still valid in my store! Coupon code  OFF10HAPPYPATTERN  is valid until December 31st. How to use the coupon, read in my previous post, please.

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Difficult week

Difficult week, or when you need help from friends.

Hello everyone! Oh, really, I went through a rather difficult week. I have not visited social networks. Also I haven’t written anything on the blog. I couldn’t even make a new pattern. I was very busy, excited and upset. My husband had a complicated heart surgery two years ago. He was examined last week. Alas, things are not very good. Of course, we will fulfill all the doctor’s orders. I hope in the Lord and in you, my dear friends! We need your prayers.

In this difficult time tatting is my salvation. This is my meditation and relaxation. Now I calmed down a bit and was able to finish the pattern with my new square doily. Do you remember my collection Summer mood? This is my collection of long picot patterns. You can see samples of Summer Mood here:

I cannot deny myself the pleasure of “extending the summer”!  This doily is called “Just a square”. And the peculiarity of this pattern lies in the use of chains ONLY. So a new doily took its place among them:

But that’s not all! I made another square doily. Because I really like this shape. But, as usual, I can’t think of a name for the new doily. Help, help, help! What does it look like?

Please write your name options in the comments.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel, please. I hope you enjoy my videos:

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips! Welcome!

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How to improve Karma

How to improve karma, or why I am making patterns.

Hello everyone! Recently I read an excellent treatise on the structure of the world, society and the role of man in it. Yes, do not be surprised, because I am fond of philosophy and esotericism. Of course, only after class tatting! I will not tire you with long quotes. Just a few important thoughts, I think. Of course, you know what Karma is. This is a person’s destiny, a task that he must fulfill in his life. How to improve Karma? Of course, a person must do good deeds, be honest, kind. But the most important human task is creativity. This is what this clever book says. And I agree with that.

Creativity surrounds us everywhere. Is not it? The seamstress made a dress. The artist painted a picture. The manicurist made an incredible drawing on your nails. Mom cooked lunch and added a new ingredient to the salad – very tasty and new! Now tell me, are you tatting – is it a craft or creativity? This is creativity and art – I am sure you will agree with me – I believe that any activity can become a real art if you treat the work creatively.

And I really like to fantasize. Therefore, I create tatting patterns. Oh, how many ideas are running in my head! I also love it infinitely when my ideas take on a new look. By the way, this is how my customers improve their karma! After all, they do not just make a tatting from a drawing. They show their creativity! I love getting photos of your work. This makes me happy and inspires me for further creativity, of course.

Products according to my patterns

See how Elena added large beads to the pattern. Of course, the collar is great. Right?

And this slave bracelet ring Shakti was made by Marianne. She took white thread and got the perfect wedding accessory! Do you agree?

And these absolutely cute 3D bows were made by Christie for her daughter. Incredible creativity! I’m sure you will appreciate it too!

Recently Dawn stunned me. Yes, I did not expect such an amazing embodiment of my Mandala. Because it turned out to be a Dreamcatcher!

Thank you, thank you, thank you my creative buyers! And I really hope that new buyers will also show their creativity! After all, it improves our common karma 🙂

And you can find an object for your creativity in my store. Discount for all patterns is 10%. Coupon code: off10happypattern


Also don’t forget to check my YouTube channel:

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. 

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How important is the right choice

How important is the right choice

How important is the right choice.

Hello everyone!

Yes Yes! You know, of course, that the right choice is very important in life. Oh, it’s not easy, of course. We are constantly faced with various difficulties and problems. Is not it? What dress to wear? Which movie to watch? And which university to apply to? Or which job should you choose? So many, many, many different questions. Of course, there are significant or simple questions. But we are very afraid to make a mistake. I asked myself a question. Why is the right choice so important? Probably because the final result depends on my choice. I understand that sometimes someone’s life and destiny depend on the right choice. But sometimes the choice doesn’t big really matter. In fact, is there a difference what color of shoes I wear today? Ha ha!

However, imagine that you wanted to order a white tablecloth, and the seller sent you a blue one. However, imagine that you wanted to order a white tablecloth, and the seller sent you a blue one. Will you be delighted in this case? I’m sure you will be upset. Of course, when a master makes a product to order, he discusses all the details with the buyer. And here everything is clear, although sometimes it is not easy! But it often happens that I just embody my idea. I need to materialize my inspiration. And in this case, my choice is very important, I think.

After all, my creation should be liked by “viewers”. Ideally, I would like to cause complete delight, of course! (this is immodest, ha ha!) . But you can’t guess all the tastes. Therefore, I sometimes make several versions of the product. For example, look at Esther’s napkin. Which option do you like best? Write in the comments, this is very welcome!

I suggest you make your own version according to my tutorial. Welcome:

Also don’t forget to check my YouTube channel:

Subscribe to my blog. Comment and ask questions. I will be happy to help with tips! Have a nice weekend! I hope you make the right choice and have fun these days!

Posted on 8 Comments

Tatting is my passion!

Tatting is my passion, or why I love tatting.

Hello everyone!

First, tatting is very mobile. I can make lace anywhere. Secondly, this is a rather rare occupation. And it’s intriguing. Third, tatting allows you to constantly improve. Yes, I do not stop in search of new techniques and methods. Fourth, when creating new patterns, I express my creativity and feel like an artist. This is very flattering! Surely there are more – fifths, sixths and so on! But the main thing is the manifestation of one’s own creativity, I think. Therefore, tatting is my passion!

Summer will be over soon. My Summer Mood project should be ready. This collection is based on the use of long picots. You can watch a short video on my channel:

I was thinking about which doily to add to complete this collection. Why not make something square? Round, pentagonal, 12 rays are already there. I think the square is exactly what I need! Of course, I tried variations, drew patterns. And I made a doily finally. But I’m not sure if she’s perfect, alas. Of course, I have another idea. But for now, I ask your advice. Please write in the comments your assessment of this pattern. Would you like to make a square like this? Plus, there is one mistake. This is what happens when I weave at night! Have you noticed?

Tatting is my passion
Tatting is my passion

But during the day I was busy. I had interesting projects. Here is one of them – an embroidered picture. I needed to prepare a present for a wonderful lady.
I first chose a design (I have over 40,000 embroidery designs so choosing is hard work, ha!) Well well! I choose a painting measuring 30 x 17 cm, 29 thread colors and over 83,000 stitches. I like to do paintings on bulky fabrics. It gives the composition solidity, doesn’t it? But this kind of fabric requires a lot of fixation, so I used three different stabilizers. Okay, my embroidery is neat, hurray!

I had to embroider at a slow speed. Because I used glow-in-the-dark threads for some of the fragments. It looks impressive (if the photo did not scare you, you will understand me!)

Three days of work and the embroidery is finished. I took a humble frame. After all, the main focus should be on the picture, I think. I hope my friend will like the gift!

I was completely off topic. Back to tatting! You know many reasons why you can love this type of needlework. (By the way, you can write about this in the comments). But I realized that thanks to my favorite pastime, I learn a lot of new and useful things. I searched the internet for articles about the square, it just came to my mind because of the square doily. And I was surprised when I found out about A Square Poem! Of course, I’ve read Lewis Carroll. But I read it translated into Russian. Because I don’t speak English well enough, unfortunately. See how symmetrically-squarely -logically all words are arranged! Reading this poem vertically (the first word of each line, then the second word of each line and so on) yields the same poem as reading it in the normal way. Wow!

I often wondered when I cursed,
Often feared where I would be—
Wondered where she’d yield her love,
When I yield, so will she.
I would her will be pitied!
Cursed be love! She pitied me …

So, I learned something new and extremely interesting!

Thanks for reading! As a reward, I declare a 15% discount on any patterns in my store. The discount is valid until September 1. Coupon Code: 1TAT4YOU

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Sherbourg Umbrellas, or Sha-ba-da-ba-da

Sherbourg Umbrellas, or Sha-ba-da-ba-da.

Hello everyone!

I told you in a previous post how much I love listening to music. It helps me create lace. Or other handmade items. You can read my post and watch a short video for a good mood:

But there are many more things that inspire me. Long live the Internet! I can draw inspiration from my friends. I want to clarify. In no case am I using other people’s things for repetition. This violates copyright, of course. But I love to look at beautiful things, because new beautiful ideas are born in my head. I hope you understand me.

For example, these cute earrings from my friend and talented jewelry designer Polina Rofman.

Of course, these earrings have already found their lucky customer. But you can see (and I’m sure you will want to buy) other Polina items:

When I saw these small clouds with raindrops and thoughts rushed through my head without stopping. Ha! I can write a long novel for you about how my brains work. But I won’t bore you with details. I don’t really like walking wet in the rain (do you love that?). So I immediately thought of an umbrella. Then, when I say the word umbrella, I immediately remember the beautiful movie . I really love watching old movies. One of them is the Sherbourg Umbrellas. Such a sweet and touching love story. And what a genius music! This music sounded in my head when I created this pattern.

I created this pattern specifically for tatting with a needle. It seems to me that the tatting needles resemble the needles of an umbrella too. That’s the name for my new doily – Sherbourg umbrellas.

By the way, you can make this doily of any color, like multi-colored umbrellas. I’m sure you will like it. Try it!

And of course, share your comments and subscribe to my blog. Welcome!

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Name like song

Name like song

Name like song or Interesting facts about the song “Mr. Sun , Mr. Moon”.

Hello everyone!

My work on the Summer Mood collection continues. I finished third doily. You can buy PDF instruction and video tutorial here:

Oh, where can I get a name for my creation? I like the rays radiating from the center of the doily. It looks very much like a warm summer sun. But in the center is the real moon. The middle is perfectly round. How to combine the sun and the moon in one name? And then I found a very interesting article on the Internet.

“Mr. Sun, Mr. Moon” is a song by the American rock band Paul Revere & the Raiders written by Mark Lindsay. This song originally released as a single in 1969. Then on the album Hard ‘N’ Heavy (with Marshmallow) later that year. The song peaked at number 18 on the Billboard Hot 100, number 15 on the Cash Box Top 100 Singles chart, and at number 8 on the RPM Top Singles chart.
The song was ranked by both Billboard and RPM as the number 95 song of 1969 on their year-end charts. Also the song was featured on the soundtrack album to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. By the way, my husband and I recently watched this film by Quentin Tarantino. The ingenious play of actors Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio!

But listen to the words of the song:

Life is bringing you so down

You don’t think you can make it

Every night is a show down

Every day is just fake it

Let me show you a new place

If you follow directions

You’ll be wearing a new face

Add it to your collection.

How this is in tune with our environment. The unreality of life due to quarantine. Everything has changed and will not be the same, it seems. But don’t be discouraged! I invite everyone to immerse themselves in creativity. And yes, with my new pattern You’ll be wearing a new face (sorry, new doily) add it to your collection!

By the way, let me remind you that you can watch a video on how to connect a chain to a long picot on my YouTube channel. Welcome!

So, the name like song for my new doily is fine. Do you agree? Write in the comments, ask questions. Subscribe to my blog. And don’t forget to visit my store:

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Long picot in a new doily

Long picot in a new doily

Hello everyone!

I try very hard to create a new project every week, do you remember? And now I am very interested in the possibility of combining long picot. Because, this is extremely exciting, believe me!

I plan to create a small collection of patterns using long picots. So, I wrote in a previous post about the first pattern in this series. I called this napkin “Mandala.”

And the Mandala pattern is already on sale, welcome:

In the next model, I combined picot of different lengths. It turned out interesting. This pattern is not for beginner tatters, of course. But we must always evolve, right? I simply have to try new tricks, new methods. Because I feel how each new knowledge increases my self-esteem. Yes, don’t be surprised. I am also sure that the long picot in the new doily creates lightness and airiness. You know that these properties are especially appreciated in lace. Do you agree with me?

I hope you appreciate my new job. And I would like to know if it is worth creating a collection of such napkins? If you write your opinion in the comments, I will be glad 🙂

So, this is what my new doily looks like. Again, I am at a loss in choosing a name, alas 🙂 I will try to make instructions as soon as possible (maybe by the end of the week). By this time I should come up with a name as well.

Long picot in a new doily

Also you can watch the video and subscribe to my YouTube channel, welcome:

Join my blog to stay informed. Comment and ask questions.

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New week new project

New week new project.

Hello everyone! On June 17, my competition for the best name for tatting doily ended. Ah, how many beautiful names, how many kind words I received! It’s amazing! I am extraordinarily inspired. And after a wonderful weekend (I hope your weekend was also good!) I start my new week with a new project.

I decided to use an interesting technique for the center of this doily. It looks like bobbin lace, doesn’t it?

New week new project
New week new project

I want to call this doily “Wheel of Time”. Because the alternation of dense and airy rows reminds me of the running of time in our lives. I think each of you has come across “long” days when time goes on endlessly. And I know there are so “swift” days that fly by like an instant. This is the wheel of time that moves without stopping, then slowing down, then accelerating. Zoe Carbajales came up with this name. I hope she will not mind using this name for my new project.

Previous option

So, I did this project 7 years ago. And the previous version of this template looked like this.

Grey mandala doily

Now I decided to slightly change the general appearance, changed the color and thickness of the threads. I’m very interested in your opinion on the title. Therefore write in the comments, please. Is the “Wheel of Time” suitable for this doily?

By the way, pay attention to the personalized shuttle that I use. Do you want one for yourself? Check out my store, please:

You can also watch a video on my YouTube channel, welcome:

So, I will try to finish the pattern at the end of the week. Anyway, I will try! But after tat, I will need to draw a graphical diagram in a computer program, write instructions and mount a video tutorial. Yes, I plan to add a video to this manual. Do you think the video helps a lot? Or is it a waste of time? Oh, I’m talking about time again! Write your opinions in the comments.